Chapter 8: the meeting

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The meeting room was nothing special.

Quite crowded and loud actually, even though there was less than twelve people in it. It didn't have a homey feeling, more like a wooden box (The ones with the holes on the lid to let the insiders breathe).

The pig was left outside, along with Andra whom kept throwing tantrums to let Fred into the meeting.

One of the villigers whom was addressed as Sofie had grabbed Andra by the wrist and dragged her outside. Sofie was a Sheperd villager, whos nose had the same enormous volume as the rest of them.

In the middle of the of the room was a small wooden table; two seats left untounched obviously for me and who ever else.

When I sat down in one of the chairs the conversations stopped. All the eyes around the room turned their attention towards me.

Which might I add made me squirm with agitation. Johnson instead of taking the last open seat next to me, went to lean on one of the walls.

He seemed so natural doing it I wouldn't have been surprised if that was where he was through out all the meetings the village must have had.

All the villagers seemed on edge by my presence, as if I was some sort of Creeper about to explode in their faces.

The Oak door I had entered through slamed opened abruptly, "Lets get this over with!"

The villager stomping into the meeting room was the same one that had interigated me (Plus yelled at Andra) when I first dug my way up to the village surface. Except today she was wearing a Slime Green robe.

Her frown deepened as she took the seat next to me.

"Callog," She stated quite emotionless, signaling a villager who appeared to be a librarian to check the attendence.

Names where called out one by one, but I couldn't figure out who they all belonged to. Mainly because almost all the villigers in the room had the same tone of voice.

Sofie (I mentioned earlier),

Albert(The librarian calling the names), Jeffery(I didn't know either),

Hela(I think shes the Farmer),

Bon (didn't know),

Drake (didn't know),

Mare (Most likely the Butcher),

Johnson (The Crafter), ect.

One name called on the list did stand out though, Zoey.

She stood near the wall with Johnson. By the way she looked, even though she was wearing villager clothes, I could tell she was a Crafter too. But what I also noticed is that her clothes were Purple and that I reconized her as the person I saw brewing potions.

The callog ended with my named followed by the person in the slime green robe, Lane.

"Stefinie Z., that is what you call yourself correct?" asked Lane, "I presume you remember the resent attack on the village, what made you run into the village after seeing the smoke?"

It had never occured to me to question what this meeting was about and now as they ask me this I could feel my bewilderment showing on my face, "Yes thats my name...Stefinie is just fine achually. I do remember the attack and...well...I don't quite understand why I ran into it. I just did it wondering if anyone needed help I guess."

Lane eyes stuck swords in my head, "You had no other motives? No hungry instinct whatsoever?"

I could see the pixels in her eyes observing my every behavior, analyzing the words that spilled out of my mouth. Those words splashed me like a bucket of cold water. Hungry instincts?!

"I don't understand what you mean by hungry instincts. Are you implying if I wanted to," I gulped," Eat villagers?!"

Why in the world would I eat someone? I haven't ate since I first spawned I suposed to eat?!

"Witnesses please," Lane said, her eyes not leaving me for one second, like I might kill her if she did.

The Butcher who I think was called Mare stated,"One of the villager children, Ray, clamed Stefinie saved him and his pig from one the burning houses, but he also admits that at first he thought she was going to eat him."

So that was the little boys name,Ray. My thoughts lingered off to thinking about what Ray's pig might be called by the time they asked me another question,"Is it true that you saved a child?"

I woke from my hypnotic thinking state,"Yes it is."

Lane asked a follow up question,"Why did you save him exactly?"

I looked at her, my face protraying my disbelief,"Why did I save him?! Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND?! If you saw someone surrounded by flames about to DIE! Wouldn't you try to help!?"

Lane was taken aback at my insult and said,"Of course I would! But don't go saying that to me when you're the one whom looks like a Zombie."

Did they have a good reason for wanting to know if I was a mob? Why is my brain taking forever to finally process that simple fact, that they think I'm a Mob whom will kill them?

"I would never hurt anyone. Just because I look like a mob doesn't mean I am one."

The meeting went on forever. They kept asking me question after question to make sure I wasn't lying. In the end only like three people there believed me; mainly the Crafters, and I was allowed another night to stay in the village, so they could come to a vote by morning.

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