Chapter: 9 Zoey

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Instead of having me stay for the night in the room I was in this morning, I was led on Fred to different building. One that had a second story watch tower and was right on the edge of the town.

Apparently, they didn't use the place whatsoever, meaning if I were aload to stay this would be where I'd be. Through the window I could see Johnson helping the Black smith make something out of iron near the far edge of the village. When they added a pumpkin to their towering structure of iron it moved and stumbled away.

There's so much I don't understand about all this crafting.

 I hugged my knees close to my chest, allowing my head to lean down on the oak wood wall beside me,

Why do I have to be so different from everybody else. Why do I have to have spawned as a freak.

 As the sun lowered itself, making room in the sky for the moon, I felt myslef begin to doze. Till I fell asleep.....partially.

I woke not long after I fell asleep to moaning and my eyes turning on like a switch to night vision. A silent moan escaped my mouth, but suddenly was slapped right out of me because of how startled I was with myself.

The air felt frosty and made my green skin look like cyan in the dark of the room. I heard an other moan, then an oink coming from outside.

Slipping out of the comfort of the bed I got on my feet and slowly made my way to the door. Looking out the window beside the door I noticed a hurried figure in purple.

A Zombie looking animal chasing her on two legs, armed with a golden sword. Without giving a moment of thought or question I swung open my door and tackled the Pig face Zombie. The Zombie pig was oviously not expecting that and made the mistake of dropping its golden blade to the ground. I swung my fist at it, hitting it straight in the jaw.

Its eyes seemed to burn with recovering rage. I could feel it's blood boil under it's rotten flesh as it tried to reach for the sword. Kicking it's sword away from it's reach I flew another punch at it. Before I could hit the beast again an arm from beside me stabbed it strate in the chest. The pig zombie went limp and let out a puff of smoke, vanishing into the air.

"You all right?" asked the person who had given the zombie pig the final blow.

I looked up; shifting under the weight of the golden sword the person, Zoey, stood over me with watchful eyes.

"Yah i'm fine. Are you?" I asked in bewilderment that such a thing, as that zombie, could exist.

 "Lets just say its not the first time I tried to summon lightning and hit the pig pen by mistake." She streched out her tan hand out to me,"Names Zoey."

I took it alowing her to help me up from the floor where I had been moments ago attacking the pig mob.

 "What was that thing?" I asked her suddenly remembering that it was night time and that we shouldn't be out here at this time.

"A Zombie Pigmen. Usually not hostile until it finds you as a threat. Thats when you get chased." she laughed at herself under her breath.

She seemed to notice my discomfort at being outside,"You hungry? I sure am! Come on, I'll take you back to my house for a bite," She said, starting towards the direction her house and stopped turning to face me again,"Unless that is you're going to have me as the main course."

She let out a short cheerful laugh and a teasing grin,"Gotcha! Come on this way!" She was a bit too chearful but it felt better then being starred at like some creep.

She went back to her walking in the oposing direction of my quarters. Deciding to follow her, I lurched behind her on the gravel, my my left arm limp by my side. Dragging one leg with each ackward motion we soon reached a two story house made of birch rather than oak and was a bit fancier than the village buildings.

I followed her as she rambled on about what we should eat,"Pumkin Pie sounds good, but Cake sounds even BETTER! Unless your more of a veggie person then I got plenty of carrots and potatoes. Thats all everyone here seems to eat;Carrots and Potatoes!"

I didn't understand what most of these foods were, for instance Mushroom Stew. She must have noticed my blank stare at all these food names.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know what cake is," my confused face must have confirmed her suspicion, " What have you been eating all your life!?"

As soon as she opened her door and flung me on a chair she then began to rummage through her chests and cook.

"Mmmmmmmmmmh, you'll need to try rabbit stew.... unless you're a vegetarian. Are you?" I looked up at her from where I sat drawing my wandering eyes away from the decorations of frames and paintings," I don't know what that means."

Something clicked inside her brain and she exclaimed, " You are shall have Mushroom stew and Pumpkin Pie!!!"

I was served the stew first, which was so strange to be placed in my mouth that I couldn't swallow for a whole 5 minutes. It was almost like smell and touch yet different. But was like a harmony of pleasure stirring in me.

So much pleasure was brought by this "eating" that my left arm began to feel funny. The Pie was even better than the stew and was smooth and sweet. Zoey Seemed pleased with my liking and sat next to me finishing her pie as well.

"You look like you've never eaten before." She commented as my hunger for the pie grew and I began finishing mine off.

 She laughed making me smile with her. It was nice to enjoy something for once. Mmmmmh....Pie! was the only thing I thought of as a loud rumble of a knock sounded from the front door across the room.

"ZOEY! Theres been an emergency! The Zombie GIRL CAN'T BE FOUND! Everyone is on lock down! We need your HELP!" said the voice behind the door, making me jump.

Here we go again! How manytimes do I have to say it to them, in their fat nose face for them to get it through that thick block head of theirs!

 Zoey went to answer the door and said calmly," Its all right Bon, Stefinie is with me. I had invited her over for some Pie and Stew."

There was a silent pause,"She in there! Do you have any idea what could happen to you with it there?!"

Bon, although I couldn't see her, oviously hated my guts,but for to sink as low as to call me an "it" that was too far. I had to join the conversation, I coudln't handle being talked about in hearing range.

When I got to the door Bon serious low slither of a voice turned into a death glare with a darring volume,"What are you doing here?!"

Standing up a bit straighter from my slouched weakling state I responded, "Well for one thing I was invited here as a guest, not as prisoner giving me the right to come to the front door if I wanted and second of all do you really expect me too stay in the other room while your here talking about me behind my back?"

 Bon's glare felt worse than the flames that had engulfed me a week or two ago. "I never asked you to join the conversation,"She looked back at Zoey whom was giving Bon a disapointed look,"Any way Lane wanted me to tell you that the Zombie girl is to report back to her asigned room amedietly. You'll have to escort it."

I felt like strangling Bon, but I knew better. That was exactly what she wanted me to do. Zoey soon after Bon left apologiesed and excorted me back to my room. Only this time Two gaurds where planted infront of it and my door was replaced with a iron door that could only be opened from the outside.

Uh! This is getting ridiculars!

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