Chapter One: Pixels and strangers

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Darkness. Thats what we see first. Our eyes start to focus, untill our night vision kicks in. Then, one thing floods our minds. The sensation to look for crafters did fill my mind, but then it stopped and something pumped in my chest once.

Only once. It didn't linger. It didn't continue. It just pumped once. Almost too fast and long gone to notice. But too foreign and un-natural to by pass.

Almost none to no light shined where I was. Except the half moon above me. I lurched forward, arms extended for some odd reason and began to moan. I stopped all of a sudden looking to my right.

Lurching away from me in the direction of something in the distance was a green skin mob, my height, wearing the exact same clothes as I was. Taking no notice of my presence it continued to blindly move away. I shouldn't had opened my mouth,

"Pardon me, but do you happen to know where we are?"

It moaned in a dumb founded voice, "Why in the world would you be interested in that?!"

He turned to face me and when he saw me his eyes widened,"GLITCH!"

He stumpled as fast as he could away from me.

"WAIT! I only wish to know where we've spawned!"

"Get away," he moaned, "You'll bring lag and deletion to us ALL!"

I stopped in my tracks, What in the world of blocks is he talking about?!

Limping on my dumb leg I slowly lurched away from him toward a distant cave. It was a slow and tiring process. Took me one fourth the night to make it there. Bats were swarming around, finding new places to rest. Tall proud looking trees stood at the entrance to the cave which was covered in dangling vines. I limped into the caves shelter, which rested in the side of a lonley hill.

"Ssssssss I hate crafters can't wait till I can blow up the village." said a snake like voice as I entered the cave.

A heavy wispful voice responded screeching, "It'll be just like when we killed that village just south of here! Ruins it's in! Just wait til- " the screeching voice paused,"whose that at the cave mouth?!"

I fully entered by the time she finished her question. Inside stood a light green, four legged Creeper, frowny face and all. Standing next to the snaky voiced Creeper layed prompt up on eight legs, a Spider.


The glowing red eyes of the spider glared at me ferociously, "Nothing but a mistake! An ugly glitch if you ask me!"

The Creepers frown intenced,"What if IT GETS US DELETED! I'M OUT OF HERE!"

The Creeper ran as if from a cat. The spider however looked at me then crawled away onto the tree tops saying,"The caves yours CREEP!"

The sun was beginning to rise in the east. I limped deeper into the cave lingering on the bitter words the mobs had said, Creep! Mistake! Disgrace! GLITCH! Soon the cave came to a dead end and at that moment I felt alone.

At the end of the cave there was a small pool of water. A single bat flapped around, looking for a block to rest on while the water lay still. My reflection glanced back me. Green skin and all but some pixels on my face were  different than the other Zombies. I had army green long pixel hair, that flowed down my back and my chest. My eyes had pupils and were lime, but strangely were two pixels by two. An abnormal eye shape almost like those of a crafter.

What am I?!

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