Chapter 21: The Betrayal

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-" Zoey's smiled down at her sword. Which glowed white as Quartz, because it was Quartz.-

Zoey perked her head up to look at me, a slight twitch in her eye. Her Quartz sword began to sizzle and the sharped edged pixels glowed red around the sides of the blade.

"Zoey what are you doing?!" I demanded, though my voice was a mere whisper.

Unintentionally my body began to quiver as the sword brightened its glowing light. She in response laughed at my pathetic state, her stare turning dead cold. There was something new about her...something gruesome.

Flames seemed to dance in her eyes as flicked her wrist in a vertical motion.

Looking to the room around me I noticed this was no ordinary room. It was a dungeon room that contained an Ender portal with a silverfish spawner.

The room then vibrated as a silver fish slithered its way into the boiling lava.

"Oh, poor Stefinie!," She said mocking me with a fake pitiful voice, "I spawned as a mistake!"

She flicked her wrist again and the stone bricks rattled worse than skeleton ribs.

"I don't remember my old life!" She spat in my face.

This time Mobs came out of no where and began to chain my wrists, but I was in too much shock at what I was hearing and seeing to even struggle.

"I got attacked and thrown into FIRE!"

At this comment I began to squirm, but I couldn't escape the rotten grips of the Zombies crowded around me holding me still. She walked over to the Ender Portal and placed a Ender Eye into one of it's many empty slots.

"I'm alone! No one will rescue me not even the Villagers who treated me nicely because their all here!" She said motioning to the Zombies around me.

I looked up at the Zombies who help me arms and the chains I was locked in.

They were the Villagers... all of them even Andra and Ray.

This time my ears began to ring as the power of her voice increased, "I will always be treated as a glitch!"

My eyes were swelling up with tears. My bottom lip quivered and my voice shook as I said, "Zoey what are you doing!"

I cried out, " I thought we were FRIENDS!"

Her eyes seemed to soften at the word friends and she walked over to where I was held in place.

"Oh Stef," She said sweetly looking at me, "Do you really mean that?"

Her expressions were beginning to confuse me, " YES!"

Zoey's voice turned sickly yet sing-song," You thought wrong!"

She laughed moving back to the portal. My face must have shown my surprise , because she seemed to laugh even madder at it. Her body rose off the floor, flying around the room.

Her skin glowed bright white as she lowered herself onto the mossy stone floor behind the Ender Portal. When the glowing stopped her skin was no longer a crafters, nut Quartz white and leathery. Her eyes were blood shot and demon like, making them pop against her pail skin tone.

Gray bags hung under her eyes and she had streaks across her cheeks from obvious intense crying. That appeared to have scarred her face as if her tears consisted of acid, giving her a ghoulish brides made look.

Hair stuck out in odd messy directions from her tangled side braid, leaving a strand or two of pearly gray hair drooping down the sides of her face. Wearing a ripped and ragged grey dress that loosely hung on her feeble body, she placed yet another eye into the ender portal.

"Zoey, who are you?" I scampered starring at whom used to be the friendly, village potion maker, whom I had called friend.

"Whom I'm I?!" She let out a moaning outcry followed by a snicker, "You should be asking yourself that question not me!"

She swirled in the air, lifting herself near the ceiling and moaned a joyous laugh that faded like an echo across the dungeon. I starred at her blankly.

"You really don't have a clue do you?!" She said sounding a bit bored, "Pixels, Zombies are SO SLOW!!!"

Landing in front of me she said, "Why don't you guess!

She slithered the last word out like a taunting creeper.

Realization struck me.

She praised me like I was a tiny school girl, " BRAVO! You finally figured it out! And it only took what?! Ten minutes after seeing me transform and being held by a Zombie. WOW, aren't you a smart one."

How?" I asked.

Her eyes barred into me as if wavering whether it was worth her time to explain.

"Simple really,

Once upon a time, a little Ghast girl appeared in the nether. She was quite happy as she could be in her state of natural moaning till...,"

She paused for dramatic effect,

"The Mobs in the nether turned on her, banishing her through a portal they hoped would kill her! But she was half crafter you see, and couldn't die. So in a near by cave she lived. One day she developed a potion to change her appearance to her will.

"She discovered other Mobcrafters like her and she was happy. Till something happened... because she was so foreign from an other dimension their world the Overworld began to fall apart, all because she glitched the world and caused lag.

"They turned on her and said she had to go back or else their world be destroyed. Refusing to go back because of the punishment it held she found a way to keep herself there. You see the less Mobcrafters in the world the less she had to worry about destroying the world. So she started destroying her race.

"By the way I come from a world of Mobs therefore I am a Mob Queen, incase you were wondering. QUEEN QUARTZ! Mobs have no choice but to follow me.

There was a flaw in her plan to destroy her race. They simply respawned. That all ends today Rhyme. You may have not deleted, but I can still banish you. You will NEVER defeat me. But I can't have you running around like a lost pup."

My tears were streaming down my cheeks so much now that I barely had any strength to ask my final question, "Why didn't you just capture and kill me when you first saw me?"

Walking over to me one last time, she pulled a empty potion bottle out of her pocket and put some of my tears in the bottle, "Well Stefinie I did it all for good fun. I mean I had to punish you for all you've done with out any input after all."

Her laugh deepened, "Good bye Rhyme! NOT nice knowing you!"

She sneered the ending as she stepped away placing the last Ender Eyes into the portal. A sizzling, black, oily substance appeared and I was shoved through it.

-I couldn't breath. The black liquid was every where; I choked and squirmed, but the air wouldn't come. Blue tiles danced around me. Till I felt the strange black seep down my throat, into my lungs.

Darkness, that's all I saw.-

I woke up to the roaring of a beast and the croaking outcry of Endermen.

A familiar face looking down at me; Quint. One thing on my mind.

Zoey had betrayed me.

I was in THE END.

Read the sequel, Ender Boy.

Thank you all so much for the votes, comments and reads! Sorry about the cliff hanger here. The next book for Zombie girl is up and running. Thank you all and God Bless you all. Pie

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