Chapter 12: Questions Asked

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Not a second of the day was wasted at all. Instead it was used up as much as possible.

Johnson was running all over the place and Zoey was no where insight. After about an hour of running errands around the village Johnson finally took me to the armory to see the village Blacksmith and the Tool smith, Jeffery and Drake.

Surprisingly they were really nice.

"Stefinie I have to go check on how the walls coming along can you stay here and help Jeffery and Drake with the armor and weapons?" Johnson asked me.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind."I said, still in amazment at how the room was covered with stone tools and armor. I turned my attenchion to them both as Johnson walked away.

Drake and Jeffery looked like twins, I mean literally. Almost all the villagers looked the same, but something about these two was even more identical. I think it was their smiles. Drake spoke first,"Stefinie I really feel horrified at how the village has been treating you lately. I mean I was bit warry at first but you seem pretty much like a total crafter to me."

Jeffery added,"Have you ever crafted before Stef?"

Starring at a chest full of Iron I said,"Not really,but i've read about it."

I picked up one of the iron ingots from a near by chest. If was partially heavy and smooth to the touch. But its color;silver was so alluring that I wanted to use it strait away.

"To be honest Stefinie reading about crafting and doing it are two completely different things." said Drake.

 "But its nothing we cant teach you." added Jeffery whom smiled cheerfully at me. Drake and Jeffery started towards a crafting table covered in saw dust and splinters.

Jeffery said,"I think its best for you to learn to craft a tool before you get to armor. Drake will teach you while I get all the armor ready for the war."

Just mentioning the war turned his face dark, leaving his grim expression haunting the edges of his dying smile as he walked away. Drake tried to stear the war topic out of range,"So this is what you do first Stef," He picked up two Iron Ingots and a stick,"First you'll need the exact materials."

Wiping the scraps off the crafting table he showed me the steps and the arrangement all the materials must be in in order to craft a sword. which seemed easy at first, but when it was my turn to craft came to be extremely difficult.

It was almost like attaching puzzel peices that did't belong together, so as you might expect it took me a while to master it.

Finally getting the hang of it, I was able to talk while working,"Um Drake I have a question."

His attencion from his crafting table never faltered as he responded,"Whats you question Stef?"

I swallowed before responding,"Whos Queen Quartz?"

At that moment the entire armory/tool place got nerve racking quiet. Even the slaming and clanking of crafting seased to exist at that moment.

"She's the Mob Queen." He said simply trying to leave out as much detail as possible and turned back to the sword he was crafting. " I mean why is she attacking us and who are the resistance?"

I said growing braver in every word to spark the conversation further.

"She is hunting Mob crafters." He said simply and added,"How are the swords your making coming along?"

"Their fine I made about 3 of them." I said realizing that I touched a subject he felt apparently extremely  un comterble with.

We didn't speak anymore after that and by the end of the day I had crafted 12 Iron swords. Johnson came back exhausted by the time Drake, Jeffery and I were cleaning up for the day and said it was time for him to escort me back to my room.

Funny how he calls it a room yet its more of a cell.

I stepped out of the stone armory and into the cold night air; a 3 block thick cobblestone wall surrounded the village and went up as tall as 20 blocks high.

This war must be worse than I thought.

Gravel scrapped the bottom of my feet. I had just realized I wore no shoes what so ever.

Just as I was thinking about how to craft shoes Johnson spoke,"Stef I need you to be careful," He said his voice low, " There are a lot of things going on you don't know about and I need you to understand that not everything is what it seems. Do you understand me Stef?"

He opened my cell door waiting for my response."Sort of. "

He took that as the a good answer and locked me in apologizing in the process.

" Sorry bout this Stef. Sleep tight. "

 With that Johnson left me to my confinement to sleep. But my body didn't let me sleep. I was much too awake. So my thoughts wandered onto what little Drake had said, trying to connect the dots to every thing that has been happening, but finding always a dead end at two words.

Mob Crafter.

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