Chapter 10: Nightmares in Prison

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I couldn't sleep. The wind outside made the prison of a room shake and squeak, making me feel like the roof was going to cave in on me.

Plus everytime I tried to close my eyes my mind would be haunted of all the villagers and Mobs whom hated me and wanted me dead. The whole night I was crying softly to myself wanting to be back in the birch forest, where I could travel and make my own living.

My crying finally put me alseep at one point,welcoming the nightmares that waited.

-The room I was in was dark and gloomy, alumenated by torch light and mossy stone floors. It was a bit large and had mobs of all kinds walking around holding swords and wearing gold (Butter) armor.

For some odd reason I was chained to the floor, awaiting something. Smat in the back of the room was a red and white thrown with banners.

(*The banner picture will be shown in the media of this chapter*)

The banner was black blended with red, rimmed with a light gray spikey border line. At the center was a White/pink flower like image that had a bright white dot on top.

Zombies held stood beside me, as if I was hostile and skeletons aimed their bows at me.

Lava boiled at the edges of the room and a silent moan like cry sounded from behind me. Apparently I all ready knew who it was.

A person in full Quartz armor walzts over to the thrown heaving under her a ragged dress, her skin seemed to glow when she sat down.

Her face couldn't be seen under the Quarts helmet but I could tell it was one I had seen too many times to want to remember.

"Zombie Girl! For crimes of existing in my relm and for asisting the resistence you are here by sentenced to execution. Meaning perminate deletcion."

Fear ran through me-well the me in the dream- and a sword went strate through my back.-

I jolted awake screaming from the dream pain and the throbbing of my head.

Sry that the chapter was short. It was only ment to really show her nightmare. Updates are coming up soon. Be ready to catch up cause I'm building up the rising action lol. Queen Purple out.

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