Chapter 11: War is coming

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The gaurds didn't respond to my screams from inside. So I spent the last of the night looking out my window, knowing that they were going to kick me out soon enough.

The Sun was coming back up by the time I saw something out the window. A gleaming horse soared towards the village, a rider perched on it's back in full armor.

It was Johnson.

Even from a distance I could see he had bad news about something. The creaking of the iron doors opening startled me.

"Come on out Stefinie, the meeting is about to annouce the vote results."

Said a voice from outside, when I turned noticed it was Zoey.

I heaved myself off the bed and lurched towards the door. Zoey had no longer a purple villager robe but today looked like a crafter. Some how she had changed her skin.

She had a black and White bow in her hair and her eyes and hair was glassy red. Her black shirt exposed her shoulders and her arms were covered in white netting. She had black sandals ad a white skirt with a belt. But what made her skin the most fabulous was that she had a pair of pinkish and black head phones on her polished head.

She seemed to noticed my confusion,"Oh my skin,"she said gazing down at her self,"I learned a while back when I studied enchantment how to change its appearence. Come on, we need to hurry or else they'll think you ate me or something stupid like that."

She is sadly right about that, I admitted to myself.

Geting off the bed I followed her out the door and towards the meeting room-But as soon as I stepped outside I was blasted by the burning power of the sun and tumbled back behind the saftey of the dark prison room.

"Uh....."I moaned through gasping heaps of air.

My skin began to sizzle, as healing releaf slowly came.

"STEF ARE YOU ALL RIGHT!?"asked Zoey as she rushed back to my prison cell where I lay hugging myself like a baby on the floor.

"Yah i'm fine."I said shivering under the cool relief of myself healing.

"Stefenie why is your skin chared?!" She asked taking a step towards me. I looked at her, I couldn't control the tears from rolling down my face.

Something then clicked in that pixel head of hers and I could've sworn I saw a flash of dark red in her eyes, but it soon disappeared as she took my good arm and helped me stand.

Not saying a word to how she had just seen me burn in the sun she fished something out of a shoulder bag she had slung on her shoulder.

"Here this'll help,"She said handing me a Orange glimmering potion of some sort.

Why isn't she saying anything about my burning? She seems too smart to not notice.

I took the bottle and looked at it,"Whats it for?"

She looked at me emotionless...which was strange sense she usually seemed to be all smiles.

"Don't worry about what it is, only that it helps. A warning to you though we have vary few of these so don't grow too fond of them."

Something about the way she was starring at me put me at edge, but non the less I drank it...trusting her. Instantly my nerves began to tingle and my skin felt heavier...

Whats in this?

She motioned for me to follow her. Reluctantly I did. Stepping out into the light og the beaming sun I felt my nerves quiver and a warm sensation went over me. Not the burning I had experienced before but more of a burning that was almost a wisper.

I looked at Zoey,"Thank you."

Zoey continued to walk strait ahead,"For what?"

"For what you gave me."I said a bit confused.

Giving me a puzzeled look she calmly said,"I have not a pixel of an idea of what you are talking about.

"The slight glint in her eyes again told me other wise, but I didn't push the subject, mainly because we were nearing a giant group of villagers.

"Finally there here! Zoey we were just about to send the golum to look for you! You mustn't scare us like this." said Bon, whom eyed me like I was going to jump her.

"So sorry Bon we got a bit carried away talking. You've all reached a verdict I assume."said Zoey whom kept her voice as perfessional as possible.

Lane spoke next,"Yes we have. IT  is to leave at onc-,"she paused looking into the distance,"Is that Johnson?"

Everyone including me looked towards where Lane was looking. Johnson was finally arrived after a couple seconds, his horse seemed nervous about something and kept trotting in place.

Johnson looked down at Lane and stated,

"We have a problem. The War from the South-West is making its way here. We have about 3 days till the Mob troops reach the village. The resent attack was a mear small assult. But thats not the only thing going on. The resistence leader is said to have been deleted, and with out their leader the resistence is cracking and enraged. We have to set up a deffense Lane! Queen Quartz is coming!"

One of the villagers fainted at the dramatic ending to what Johnson said, all the others were having mental break downs, but Lane lifted her head up high.

"They'll have to kill me to get to this village! Albert I need you to run to the store room with a few others and get as much cobble as you can! We're going to build a wall! Jeffery I need you and who ever else to make armor and weapons! Zoey I need you and who ever to build traps and splash posion and harm dispencers! Anyone left is to make a bomb shelter with food and a few weapons inside!"

Everyone was sprinting, even Zoey seemed to leave me where I was at the sound of war coming. The only one who didn't leave me was Johnson.

He simply turned to face me and said to Lane,"She could help us you know."

PLEASE! I can be useful!

I thought to myself wanting to shout it out at her!

"Fine she can stay for now helping with the war front. But I need you and Zoey to keep an eye on her...incase she tries something."Lane said, stomping away.

Johnson seemed a bit spooked at my happy smile.

I'm finally useful!!!

He seemed to want to tell me something, but instead said,"You'll need a sword."

A Sword?

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