Chapter 4: Hallway to Death

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At first the trap door seemed to lead to... well nothing but a four surrounding dirt walls. Turning my head I noticed a pathway that led to yet an other hallway.

Soon I came upon a fork in the hallway. I squinted my eyes(my night vision becoming clearer), down the one to my left was tripwires! To my right I saw nothing,so by instinct I went left.

A quote from the book I read came to mind: If its too easy don't trust it! Usually tripwires are placed to protect something behond it, but always take percaution. NEVER let your gaurd down.

To stay safe I jumped over the trip wires everytime I saw one. Which is pretty hard considering my body doesn't exaclty always do what I want.

Turn after turn, I took the most dangerous path. I was getting tired of all of it.

So I decided to do something the digging book told me not to do:
NEVER DIG UP WHEN UNDERGROUND! You never know when gravel, sand, lava or any other thing is above you!

I dug up.

Dirt cramped the already narrow dirt passageway, leaving me little to no room to manage to climb my way upwards; placing dirt under my feet one by one, I FINALLY reached the surface.

Not a happy thing though. As soon as I reached the top I was welcomed by sun light.

Oh my blocks!

The heat hit me strait on and I felt myself die! Litterally DIE! Wait why I'm I still here? Something hit me in the head and I blacked out, but before my eyes completely shut I saw the little girl from the other day, running away screaming; shovel in hand.

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