Chapter 2: Villigers and Chests

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The sun began to rise and so did the number of sounds coming from outside. My curiosity got the better of me and I stumpled toward the caves mouth. For the first time I noticed the biom I was in.

It was a normal forest littered in birch and oak trees, on the edge of entering a prairie. The trees were in my way so I couldn't see a single thing besides thick vines and leaves.

But then I heard something, "Lets go! These trees arn't going to cut down themselves!"

The voice was mumbled and deep, almost like a gurgle, but different.

I almost left the cave when a sudden realization came to me, What if I burn! Do glitches burn?

I tested this by sticking my arm out the cave mouth. At first it was fine, but then it started to heat up till my nerves were screaming for releaf. I pulled back my arm, it was pitch black and sizzling. But after a couple seconds it started to heal.

Does that happen to other mobs?

The mumbled sounds grew distant and I made my decision to follow it. I sprinted as fast as I could to the nearest tree. The top of my head felt a little burned, but other than that I was fine. I repeated the process of sprinting from tree to tree, till I finally found the source of the voices.

My green arms gripped the ruff, bark of the nearest tree. Moving my head slowly to see the source of all the commotion I came across 9 villigers, all mumbling to themselves.

Their tunics, an array of colors, symbolizing what they were good at. Big noses and stern expressions covered their faces, giving them a freakish determined look of no self doubt. With each slash and slam of stone against bark, a harmonized beat became apparent.

A child emerged from a little cobblestone path, that cut through the forest and into the open prairie, carrying a block that was as tall as herself. The block was smooth and wooden, covered in little dark rectangles, that went around the block almost in a checker board pattern. She placed it at her feet and began to hit the strange grey rimmed block.

A scale of notes filled the air and blended with the impaling of wood and axe. Some of the villigers whistled to the beat, while others seemed so concentrated in cutting down trees, that they were oblivious the music.

I found myself leaning in so close that one of the villiger's donkeys, who was strapped to a fence, sensed my presence and began to stare at me.

Curiosity compelled his eyes, giving him an innocent baby-ish look. His ears twitched as if he could sense my discomfort at being noticed and his eyes landed on my now almost healed arm. Its eyes now widening to the size of sun flowers. Looked down at something that seemed to interest him more than my healing arm... A red apple that lay next to my feet.

It lowered its head to pick it up when something yanked him back. The villigers were calling it a day and heading back towards the path way. The donkey resisted it's master and continued to go for the apple, when it suddenly was wacked with a stick.

The villiger was so concentrated on the donkey that he didn't seem to notice me. Knowing the donkey really wanted that apple, I picked it up and gave it to him, who ate it gleefully. He then followed his abusive master down the path. The little girl picked up her block and headed with the rest. Soon all the villigers were gone leaving behind broken axes and shovels.

The sun was setting, it was time to go back to the cave. During my sprinting back I became aware of what was around. A wild pumpkin patch covered a section of land near the cave and lilacs streched as far as the prairie edge. Instead of going in the cave I decided to climb the hill, to see my new home truly. Block by block I climbed, till I reached the top. It was a breath taking sight. Blending pixels created a light show of setting sun. The Oak and Burch forest went so far ahead it blended into the moutain tops, which were covered in snow and ice.

The prairie was now fully visible. Out the edge of the forest the swirling cobblestone path I had seen earlier streched out towards a distant light. A small village containing little to no protection, with all their crops left out in the open. The villigers were already safely behind their locked doors, by the time something strange came from the horizon.

 A fast moving animal glided across the prairie. Dressed in glittering iron, it soared through the feilds; someone was on top of the amazingly fast horse though. Wearing what appeared to be black, leather.

I leaned in closer to see more clearly, but something loosed from the ground: GRAVEL! and I fell. Gravel lay under me, were I once stood above me, and something new around me.

The hill had more than one cave!

This one was a strait to dead end, but had something hidden against the walls. Little wooden chests lined the walls, labeled in signs of equal hand writing.

Some read DYES others FOOD, but most had names I didn't understand, like BRICKS or SOUL SAND. But the one that intrigued me the most was the one labeled CRAFTING SUPPLIES. Then something hit me, 

What if i'm not a glitch, but a new type of Crafter?!

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