Chapter Four

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Newt and I sat down at a small table near an even smaller hut. I turned to him after looking around to see every boy in the glade's eyes were on me. "Why are there no other girls in the glade?" I asked, genuinely wanting an answer.

Newt shrugged and replied, "we don't know. Every month the box sends up a new Greenie, and a fresh set of supplies. What ever we need, the box provides. This month, that's you. Congrats, your the first girl glader." He looked at me in awe before looking back down at the table. "Dinner should be ready shortly. Frypan, the Shank who cooks our food is being extra slow today. Probably to impress you with his cooking. News travels fast around here and you seem to be the talk of the glade this evening, Princess," he finishes looking back up at me.

A light blush flushed my cheeks. Princess. I thought. Why'd he call me that? Is my only friend in the glade hitting on me on my first day? Or am I just overthinking everything?

Newt stood up, taking his gaze away from my eyes. "I'll be right back," he said smirking. "I'll grab our food from Fry' and then we'll eat. Hope your hungry, Greenie," he finishes as he walks away. I watched him walk and noticed something about the way he did. Newt had a limp. It seemed very noticeable now, but how did I not notice it before?

I stared off into the distance and was deep in thought when I heard a voice.

"Welcome to the glade, Shank," he said as he sat down. He was covered from head to toe in dirt and sweat. His stench bearly reaching my nose, before I started to breath out of my mouth. He noticed this and chuckled.

"Just got back from the maze," he said sitting down across from me. I looked at him still slightly confused. "Oh," he started, "by the way, I'm Minho, your new roommate." I looked at him, my confusion beginning to fade.

"Oh, hey. My name is-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"Eve. Yeah I know. Everyone here does. New travels fast in the glade," he says giving me a reassuring glance.

"That's what I'm told," I said as a slight smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.

Newt walked over with two bowls in hand. Inside the bowls was what looked like some kind of soup. It looked a little gross but I wasn't picky though, so I slurped it up. I hadn't eaten in what felt like forever so I was starving already.

"You know, Eve, that's the first time I've seen you smile since you've been here," Newt says looking up from his bowl.

Minho laughs, "a girl's gotta eat." Newt smiles and pushes over his bowl of soup towards me after seeing that I had finished mine. I gave him a thankful look and went on eating. I could feel both of there eyes on me as I did so. As well as there eyes, I could feel dozens of others burning a whole I the back of my head. I just kept eating, slightly uncomfortable.

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