Chapter Six

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I took a seat around the bonfire. As soon as I did, I felt the same sensation as I did during mealtime. Eyes Buring holes in my skin. I could feel the boys all judging me, stalking me, watching my every move, just like earlier. This was only my first day in the glade but it felt like I had been here for weeks. I was still very unsure about many things that had to do with me being here. Who put us here? What's outside of these walls? Why am I not allowed to leave?

Just then I was pulled out of my thoughts by another glader boy who sat down next to me.

"So, you and Newt, huh?" He looked eager to here my response but his question sounded a bit disappointed by his tone. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"What gave you that impression?" I asked staring into the flames that roared from the bonfire as it twisted and popped. He looked at me as I tried to read his facial expression but it was just blank.

"Erm-your uhh, wearing his clothes," he pointed out. I sighed and glared back at him.

"I don't have anything else to wear," I mocked, looking at his slight grin that crept onto his face.

"I'm Ben," he said reaching out a hand. I shook it and went back to staring at the fire.

Soon, Newt approached. He sat down on the opposite side of me and gave Ben a nasty look. Ben got the hint and took off.

"So," Newt started, taking a sip of something yellow out of a Mason Jar, "enjoying the party?" he asked as he takes another drink of the strange smelling concoction.

"I'm not really one for parties," I stated looking down at his drink. He noticed and immediately handed me the drink.

"Go on," he says, "put some hair on your chest." He pauses as to rethink what he just said. "Erm, I mean-nevermind, just try it." Newt pushed the jar towards my face as the smell got wafted into my nostrils. I gasped for air.

"What even is this?" I asked Newt curiosity. He chuckled and motioned for me to just drink it.

"Bottoms up," he said as I took a sip. I felt a burning sensation in the back of my throat as I gagged, making the liquid spew out of my mouth and onto the ground infront of me. Newt, as well as Minho who saw the whole thing from across the campfire, started laughing so much they were almost crying.

"What is this?! Piss?!!!" I struggled to get the taste out of my mouth. However, I could taste a very strong sensation of alcohol. "That's strong," I say, shaking my head.

Newt finally stops laughing and takes the jar from my hand, taking another sip. How does he drink this stuff???

"Gally's secret recipe. No one knows what in it, just that it can get you drunk fast. And in this hell hole, you'll need it," Newt says, beginning to slur his words. Just then, Minho walks over with a disgusted by amused look on his face.

"Newtie, I think you've had enough for one night, Shank. Slim it, and let the Greenie be, she doesn't need to be drinking that klunk anyway," Minho remarks grinning and taking the jar away from Newt as he hypocritically takes a sip of it and sits down on the other side of me.

I look at Minho and roll my eyes. Across the way, I can see Gally in the middle of a circle of boys who are chanting. I stand up to get closer, so that I'd be able to hear what they were saying.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" they chanted as Gally beats the klunk out Ben, pushing him out of the circle.

Gally, a bit taken by his victory looks around and says, "anyone think they can beat me?!"

God, he's so damn cocky. He really shouldn't be, considering those eyebrows.

Suddenly he looks over in my direction. Out of breath, he points at me. "Come on Green Bean, it's your first day, you have to fight. Glader tradition," Gally says as I look at him a bit startled.

Was I really going to have to fight Gally?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I was very strong and fit for my size and I could definitely have a fighting chance against Gally, but if I lost, the boys would all just see me as a weak girl. Would I be able to take that risk? I was thinking it over when Gally got impatient.

"Come on Greenie. What are you scared?" He pauses and looks around. "Don't worry, I know you are a weak little girl, so I'll go easy on ya, but just this once," he said as he winked at me. I turned to him, my face showing clear signs of disgust caused by his attitude towards me.

I look over at Minho, who quickly stands up and marches over. "No Gally, I don't think that's such a great idea," Minho told him. I rolled my eyes and turned to face Minho.

"What? Do you think I'm just a weak little girl too? You think I need you to protect me? I can't speak for myself you know," I stated with my arm crossed as Minho just sat back and watched. Newt, still a but drunk raised an eyebrow at me in confusion as to what just happened. I turn back to Gally.

"Come on then. I haven't got all night," I say to Gally in response. He looks pleased and motions for me to step into the circle.

Oh no, was this a bad idea? Should I just have backed out? It's too late for that now, I either win or I don't. And I was determined to win.

The croud of boys cheered and I heard a few whispers come from them as well. Most of them chanting to cheer me on, but some of the builders, still, on Gally's side.

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