Chapter Twenty-eight

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(⚠️TW⚠️ mild talk about pregnancy and sexual assault)

After talking with Newt in the gardening fields, I headed to find Alby to see if there was anything in particular I could help with, seeing as I had nothing better to do. The medjcks had almost no work today so they sent me off to go find someone else to help.

I quickly found Alby sitting alone at a desk in his hut. I knocked on the already open door.

"What is it now, Gally?!" Alby yelled angrily. He started to look up and noticed then noticed it was me standing in the doorway and not Gally. "Oh, sorry, Eve. Did you need something?" he asks.

"I was just wondering if there is anything I can help with," I say, still standing in his doorway.

"Nothing that I can think of but there was a box that was sent up about a week ago with your name on it. Sorry, I have been busy and forgot to let you know," he says handing me a white box.

It looked identical to the one that had gotten sent up when I first arrived. It even had the same kind of red bow around it.

"It's fine. Thanks Alby," I say, taking the box and walking out. I wonder what's in it? I didn't need any more girly products, as the last box they sent me covered that need for at least another two months. I hadn't even gotten my period yet since I'd been here, but I guess the not eating for a while might have made it irregular.

I sat down at one of the picnic tables and opened the box to find a pill bottle. It only continued two large white pills. Inside the box there was also a pregnancy test and a note. Oh God, am I pregnant? I can't be. It's not possible. Unless it happened before I got sent her. But it's been months. Wouldn't there be a bump? Maybe I'm not pregnant.

I picked up the note that said, "if you are, take the pills and they will get rid of it. We don't need a child running into the maze now do we?" The tone of the note seemed almost mocking.

I already know that there is no way I can be pregnant but I go to the bathrooms and take the test anyway. I just have to wait a few minutes for the results. But maybe the creators saw something that I didn't. Maybe while I was in the medjack's hut unconscious-no that didn't happen. It couldn't. No one would do that. It's wrong. I quickly pushed that thought out of my head and focused on the task at hand.

I was sitting on the floor with the test on the counter. My head in my hands. There was still a few minutes before I got my results. I can't be pregnant but why am I so worried that it in the slightest chance maybe I could be? Yes, it was a very small chance but I don't know, maybe I could be. I can't be. How could I make a good mother when I can't even take care of myself? But I guess even if I was, the pills that had been sent up would solve that. I guess if I am pregnant, I have a major decision to make.

I was deep in thought when Newt opens the door and walks in, a surprised look across his face to see me sitting on the floor with my head in my hands, practically crying. I could tell from the expression on his face that I looked like I was in distress.

"Uhh, sorry, Eve. Didn't know this one was occupied," Newt apologized with his hand awkwardly rubbing the bad of his neck. I look up at him, forgetting that the test was still on the counter.

"Oh, no it's fine, I should have locked the door," I say, standing up to shut the door. As I do, Next takes a step inside and shuts the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" he asks, seriously. But before I could answer, he wraps me in a tight hug. I needed it.

That's when it hit me. The test. It was still on the counter, in his view. I quickly pull out from the hug and grab the test, pulling it inside my shirt sleeve. But I was too late. Newt had already seen it.

"W-what was that? How did you get it? Are you-you can't be. Who?!" Newt stuttered in total shock.

Tears started rushing down my face as I grab Newt's hand and rush out of the bathroom. I dragged him to our hut. I pulled him inside and shut the door.

"You can't tell anyone," I say, warningly. He looks up at me, still in shock.

"I won't."

"Everything was normal this morning. I was looking for Alby to see what I could help with when he handed me this box with the test in it. I didn't know what to think. There's no way I could be pregnant. I wasn't going to take it but I realized that it's possible I could be," I say, quickly. Newts facial expression had slightly relaxed but still, he looked furious. He had not right to be.

"Are you?" Newt asks suddenly. I roll up my sleeve to see two red lines.

Oh my shucking God. I'm pregnant. Oh no no no no no no no.

"I am," I say, still a bit surprised myself. Newt looked angrily at me.

"Who?!" he shouts. I take a step back from him. I had never seen Newt so angry before.

"That's just it, Newt. I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?! How many guys did you shuck, Eve?!"

"I didn't shuck anyone. That's what I'm saying, Newt. I don't know who it is," I blurt out, annoyed by his temper.

"How can you not know who it is?!" Newt says, his voice on level away from yelling again.

"Remember when I was-unconcious?" I say as the anger from Newts face fades almost instantly into regret. Probably for shouting at me.

"Oh my god. Eve, I'm so sorry. I didn't know," he says, genuinely sorry. Luckily for him, I didn't have the energy to hold a grudge.

"It's scary to think that someone here, someone who I might take to on a daily basis, did this to me."

Newt nods and says, "what do you suppose we do?"

I tell Newt about the box and the pills that came in with it, along with the note. Newt and I agreed not to tell Ably unless I had decided to keep the baby. It wasn't any of his business otherwise.

After a long day of thinking, I decided to get rid of it. This was not place for a child. I took the pills and told everyone that I was sick for the day. I hid in Newt's hut all day. Newt wanted to comfort me but I told him that I needed to be alone.

I spent the day drawing. I didn't have much memory of anything outside of the glade. So, I just drew what I knew. The walls, the grass, the box, and Newt. I had studied his face so much in the past few months that it was embedded in my brain.

I liked the way his entire face creased when he smiled. It made me laugh when I was trying to draw it. I was a really good artist compared to most of the other gladers here.

I finished up my drawings when the blue sky was starting to turn shades or orange and purple. My stomach started to growl as night was approaching and I had already missed dinner.

Luckily for me though, I see Newt walk in with a plate of food for me.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, love," Newt says, smiling as he hands me the plate.

He looks iver to my drawings. I quickly put down the plate and try to hide them out of his view.

"You draw?" he says, walking over to the stack of drawing that I had shoved under some books. I ignored him and began eating. He started looking through them. "These are bloody amazing, Eve."

I blush with embarrassment as I take them from out of his hands and put them back under the stack of books so he would stop looking at them.

He ignores my movement and pulls them out again. He begins shuffling through them again, only this time, he stops on one. The one I drew of him. My stomach practically flipped as my face turned a dark shade of crimson in embarrassment.

"This is what I look like?" he chuckles. The drawing looks almost like a black and white photograph of him. I nod and he begins laughing. "I can see why everyone keeps me around. I'm bloody handsome," he jokes. I begin laughing with him as I finish up my dinner.

The medication was starting to make me sleepy so I decided to go to bed early. Newt tucked me in and never left my side throughout the night. I felt so safe with Newt at my side, watching over me.

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