"I promise we are going to do our best to find out who did this to you, Eve. But in the meantime, let's just try to get everyone and everything back to normal. I suggest you take a few more days off and rest," Alby putting a hand on my shoulder. I coldly shake it off.
"I don't need any more time to rest, Alby. I'm fine. Really."
"Okay then. You should probably be getting ready to go into the maze. Stay safe out there," Alby says walking away.
"I will," I whisper.
I left to go sit with Minho at our picnic table. I had already eaten breakfast so I just conversed with Minho and then we headed for the maze entrance.
I still had yet to finish my training so I was going to be partners with Ren again. Which, I didn't mind. I hadn't spoken to Ren in days and I felt bad knowing that he didn't really have anyone else.
Minho and the other runners had already entered the maze as well as Alby. Apparently someone had found a dead greiver in the maze and Alby wanted to go check it out for clues or something so he went with Minho.
I met up with Ren and we ran in together.
"Hey, Eve. Haven't seen you in a while. Alby said you were sick, you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I was just running a bit of a fever for a few days, that's all," I lie. Ren nods and we continue to run.
After a few hours of running we decided to take a break for lunch. I had a big breakfast and I honestly wasn't even slightly hungry.
Ren and I sat down across from eachother. Our backs were leaning up against two of the ivey covered walls.
Ren unbundled his bag and pulls put two sandwiches. He tries to hand one to me.
"Oh, I'm not hungry," I say, truthfully. Ren looks at me concerned and let's out a sigh.
"That's what you said last time, Eve."
"And?" I say kind of sassily. I don't even know where my tone came from.
I guess I'm just annoyed with everyone worrying about me all of the time. Which, I probably shouldn't be.
"And I don't want to have to carry you back to the glade again, midway through our run."
"You won't. I ate a big breakfast this morning. Last week, I hadn't eaten in days. I'll be fine," I say pretty convincingly.
"I didn't see you eat thus morning, you were just talking to Minho while he ate," Ren says, suspicious.
"I got up early to help Fry with preparing the food for the gladers, okay? I ate with Fry. You can even ask him. Ren it's fine that you care for me or whatever this is but I really don't need another person worrying about me. I'm fine and I ate," I say talking a breath.
"Promise?" Ren asks, putting the other sandwhich away.
"Promise," I reply with a smile.
"So," Ren starts, trying to change the subject, "does the new greenie seem kind of off to you too or is it just me?"
"That's what I thought at first too, and I still kind of do but...," I trail off, wondering if I should actually tell Ren about Thomas or not.
"But what? You guys aren't dating or something are you?" Ren asks with a chuckle.
I mentally gag.
"What? Eww, NO! Thomas is my brother," I spat, looking up to meet Ren's gaze in order to see his reaction. Just as I expected, he looked shocked.
"B-brother? How do you know?"
"I'm not really sure. I had dreams about him before he came here and then when he did, he told me he was my brother and it all just kind of made more sense," I explained.
"Oh-well then, good for you, I guess. I won't tell anyone, don't worry," Ren says, standing up.
"Thanks, Ren."
(3 hours later)
We headed back into the glade and everything was business as usual. Everyone was still hard at work and soon the sun would set. Ren and I both headed for the showers to get cleaned up.When we were finished we both headed out to get some dinner but we're stopped when we heard shouting coming from near the maze entrance.
Ren and I both shot eachother a concerned look and began running towards the rest of the gladers who we circled around the entrance.
"What's going on, Newt?" I ask, scared.
"The doors are about to shut and Minho and Alby still aren't back yet. If they don't get back before those door shut-" I interupt Newt.
"They will," I say giving him a quick hug and then returning to my scared stance infront of the entrance.
"Can't I go or can't we send someone to find them and bring them back?" I ask.
"No, we can't risk losing anyone else," Newt responds, coldly. I could tell he was tense. As were the rest of us.
So, for the next few minutes we all just stood there, waiting, hoping that they would make it back in time.
We heard the noise of the maze doors beginning to close and the gladers all let out a deep sigh and turned to begin walking away.
Chuck and I, however, stayed put. Our eyes were fixed of the shrinking gap between the closing walls.
They have to make it. I don't know what I'd do without Minho, or what this glade would do with their leader, Alby.
"There!" Chuck shouts and points to two small figures between the walls in the distance ahead.
All of the gladers rushed back to the entrance to look. They started cheering and shouting things like, "Come on!" and "Run!"
"Their too far. Their not going to make it," Gally says.
"Wait, somethings wrong," Newt points out. "Alby must have been stung."
And sure enough there was Minho carrying a lifeless Alby, trying so hard to reach the doors before they closed. Minho could make it if he left Alby to die, but Minho wasn't that kind of person.
There was only a 2 foot gap left between the doors and Minho dropped to his knees and gave me a small, desperate 'goodbye' smile as tear began streaming down my face.
Then suddenly, I see my brother, Thomas, running into the maze. I tried to grab hus shirt to pull him back but it was no use. He continued running and just barely made it inside.
What the hell was he thinking? Now he is going to himself killed as well. Everyone just kind of stood there, shocked.
I began to panic and ran into the deadheads, sobbing. I quickly grabbed a sharp rock, not even knowing was I was doing and begin to run it across both of my wrists, slashing them as I did so.
Only after I had done it did it hit me. I didn't want to die, there was just too much going on. I wasn't thinking strait.
I screamed and sobbed some more, and that's when I saw Newt running to me frightened. More scared them I had ever seen him be.
"Oh no, Eve. What have you done? No no no no no no no, Eve. I can't lose you to. Stay with me. Keep your eyes open, okay? It's going to be alright. You're going to be fine," Newt cried out as he called from help.
I was losing to much blood to respond to his cries and I began to black out as him and some of the other gladers carried me to the medjack's hut.

Out Of Order (TMR Fanfic)
FanfictionShe was sent into the maze. But for what reason? She wakes up to see 30 teenage boys surrounding her. She is stuck in the glade with no clue, no memory, and no hope, that is until she finds an unexpected romance. Will she fall in love? Will she make...