Chapter Fourteen

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Newt and I were finishing up breakfast. "We have that bloody keeper meeting in a few minutes, after that, you'll train as a builder," Newt says with a sign. We both stood up and headeded for a small hut just outside the deadheads.

We stepped inside to see a round table with several chairs, in them were the keepers. All of them, even Winston, though his hands were tied infront of him.

"Glad you two finally decided to join us. Take a seat," says Alby as he motions toward two empt chairs. "We all know why we're here today, so, I'm not going to bother going over it again. We will all have a say in the final verdict. I'll go around the circle and each keeper will give there opinion on the matter," Alby said, seriously. He pointed to Minho, who went first.

"I think he should be banished, simple as that," said Minho crossing his arms. Gally tried to interupt but Alby quickly shut him up. Alby wrote something down and then motioned for Frypan to give his opinion.

"I think he should be sentenced to three weeks in the pit, no food," says Frypan looking over to Winston, disgusted. Now, it was Gally's turn.

"I think she's lying, trying to get us to turn on one another. There's no actual proof that what she says is true. I think she should get the pit, not Winston," Gally said, sternly. I looked up at him surprised by his response. Alny continued to write.

"I agree with Minho. He should be banished for what he did," Newt says glaring at Winston.

"You're only saying that because your sleeping with her," Gally retorts. A disgusted look makes its way into my face as I try to say something back, but Newt quickly shushes me, so that I don't give them a reason not to trust me. Now it was Clint's turn, keeper of the medjacks.

"I think he should get a few weeks in the pit, no food," says Clint, his tone flat.

"He should be banished," says Zart staring back at me, affection in his eyes. Of course Zart wanted to get rid of the competition.

"Winston," Ably starts, "now is your time to defend yourself." Everyone looks over at Winston, who sat there, still smirking at me.

Geez, doesn't this guy take anything seriously? He could be banished for God's sake.

"You know you wanted it," says Winston as he winked at me. "She made the first move after all."

"How so?!" I ask, angrily.

"You think I didn't notice you looking my way every few seconds at meal time, when you pushed your hair behind you ears, or bent down to pick something up so that I could look into your shirt?" Winston remarked. I look at him, coldly.

"I hadn't even known you existed until the first time you man handled me in the deadheads," I say shaking my head. I then realized that I still hadn't told anyone about the first time that Winston did that to me. They just knew about what happened in the bloodhouse. Everyone turned to me, wide eyed, especially Newt.

"This has happened before?!" Newt asked, rhetorically. I stared down at the floor, embarrassed.

"Well then, Winston, Keeper of the Slicers," Alby paused, thinking it over, "I sentence you to banishment first thing tomorrow morning." I looked over at Alby, stunned. Howver, I was happy that he was one my side, as were most of the keepers.

(Sorry this chapter is so short, I have a lot of homework to do, but I will write again in a little bit.)

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