Chapter Seventeen

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I was excited to have time to chat with a few gladers that I had yet to meet and possibly try to make some more friends here in the glade.

Most of the glader guys were busy at work today, but a handful were either on one of their brakes or off for the day.

I made my way towards a large picnic table that could seat about twelve-ish people on it. Four guys sat there.

I approached them and took a seat. They looked up at me from their conversations, surprised.

"Oh, hey," a tall boy with brown hair says, looking my directing, smiling.

"Hey," I reach out my hand, "I'm Eve," I say as he shakes it.

"I'm Jack, and this is Kyle, Ethan, Zach, and Ren," Jack says as he points to the boys.

One in particular caught my attention. It was Ren. Just the way he looked intrigued me. His eyes were dark yellow, his hair dark black, his sharp jawline, and the way he titled his head whenever he heard his name.

It's not that I had a crush on Ren, because he was attractive, I just wasn't attracted to him personally, but he looked so much different than the other gladers. And the way he acted was different too. He wasn't cocky, and didn't act like he owned the place. He looked like he mostly kept to himself and he reminded me a lot of myself.

"So, what brings you to the other side of the Cafe, dear?" Zach says with a chuckle.

Zach was cocky, alright. Maybe even more so than Gally. Though, I wondered why Ren didn't act like his friends. Maybe he was different like me.

"I have the day off, so, I'm trying to make some friends in the glade," I say, a bit awkwardly. I wasn't very good with social interaction. They all nod and pass around to eachother a look, similar to the one Winston gave me in the deadheads.

"Actually, on second thought I'm getting a bit tired," I say as I stood up from the table. "I'll see y'all later," I say beginning to walk off.

"So soon? We were only just getting to know you, hon," Zach says with a smirk. I glared back at him.

"Sorry, I'll talk to you later," I said continuing to get as far away from them as possible.

Did I just get myself a death wish talking to those boys? They looked like they wanted a little more than friendship. And that look they gave eachother, sent chills down my spine.

However, I couldn't help but feel back for Ren. He didn't seem like the type to have a lot of friends, if any. I wanted to get to know him though, because he seemed nice. And he was different from the others, like me.

As I was walking away, I felt like the boys had already began plotting something deviant that had to do with me. I didn't exactly feel safe in the glade anymore, if I ever did that is. I went to go find Newt, who was of course gardening. I walked over the the gardens and spotted him immediately. I then walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. He looked surprised.

"I did something, uhh-kind of bad, I guess you could say," I tell him, removing my arms from his body as he turns around to face me.

"Oh geez, what happened, Eve?" Newt asked, concerned. He put down his shovel and gave me his full attention.

"So, I wanted to make some friends in the glade. I started talking to this group of guys: Zach, Jack, Kyle, and Ethan. This guy named Ren was also there but he didn't say anything," I said, taking a breath. This story was a mouthful.

"Go on," Newt said.

"So, I guess some of the guys were getting kind of flirty with me or whatever. They all shot eachother a look. Similar to the one that Winston gave me in the deadheads. I was uncomfortable, so I tried to leave but-" I took another breath. "They wanted me to stay. As I was walking away I thought I could hear them plotting something to do with me, and I got a bit scared. I feel unsafe, in a way. So, I came to you. What should I do, Newt?" I asked him. He just stared at me, trying to take in the big mouthful that I had just spewed out to him.

"I would let Alby know, so that he could get someone to keep an eye on them and possibly you," Newt said, still concerned for my safety.

"What? Like a bodyguard or something?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe," Newt said, going back to work.

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you later," I say to Newt while heading to find Alby.

(Sorry this chapter is on the shorter side. I desperately need sleep as I am VERY sleep deprived. Please comment on what you want to happen next in the story. Thank you so much for almost 170 reads! Love you all!)

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