"I'm gonna play them my favorite song," Jorge tells Brenda with a devious grin.
"Oh shit," Brenda reacts with an eyebrow raised. Jorge starts a record that plays over the buildings' loud speakers. Jorge motioned to a long rope and handed everyone a piece of fabric that would allow them to wing across into the other building. "Come on, we don't have much time," she says, motioning us forward.
The gladers start going across the rope, one by one, as the helicopters circle the building. I hear more gunshots. Brenda runs out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Thomas asks, following her.
"I gotta grab something. Just go!" She yells over the heavy sound of gunshots and music.
The rest of the gladers had gotten across, but now the gunmen were making their way up to the floor we were on. Fuck.
"We have to go!"
"Got it," she says, and we start running in the opposite direction. I can now see WCKD's soldiers.
"I need them alive!" I heard over one of their communication radios.
Ha, they can't shoot at us!
"Let's go!" Brenda says, grabbing my arm. Thomas, Brenda, and I walk across the roofing planks, trying to get to...where?
"Where are we going?!" I shout.
"I know a way out!" She answers, struggling to keep her balance on the wood.
We just barely reach the exit in the floor and climb in before a loud explosion goes off. I could hear the whole building falling down all around us. The rubble falls down in the hole next to us with a hard impact, causing me to fall to the floor. I quickly get up and dust myself off. My head was banging up a storm.
"We gotta get out and find the others," Thomas says, stating the obvious.
Brenda picks herself up. "This way," she motions down what looks like a tunneled out stormdrain/sewer. It looks like nobody has been down here in a very long time.
Brenda tosses Thomas a flashlight, and we start walking down slowly. We try to be quiet. Don't know if there's any cranks down here.
“What the-“ Thomas says stepping in a puddle of slime and blood. “Something definitely lived down here.
"Problably still does," Brenda replies. Something runs Brenda's foot, causing her to jump. "Gross," she says, kicking the rat. It scampers away. A dismenbered, slimey hand reaches out and snatches the rat. A face the pulls intself off the wall and take a bite of it.
"Shit," I say a little too loud. More of them begin tearing themselevs from the floor and walks they had grown into. How could these things ever have been human? "Run!" We all take off running down the hall, then the section spilts into three ways.
"This way!" Brenda shouts, as a large group of cranks start chasing us. She looks back over her shoulder for a slight second, "Holy-" There were so many of them.
Why can't we just have normal zombies that run slow? What's up with this shit?
We all sprint as fast as we can to where there is an opening of light. Finally. The cranks are only a few feet behind us. We get out and start to climb the rubble outside of a wrecked building. I quickly look around to see that we're in the city. Buildings and skyscrapers are either fallen or slanted in the process of decomposing. SOmething really fucked up happened here.
The suns' light makes me squint my eyes as I follow Brenda up into the building. Thomas is behind me doing the same. The cranks are catching up to us, but now there's only a few. We run into a broken window of the building and climb up the slanted stairwell. I was struggling to keep up with Brenda, out of breathe and my legs were aching.
Thomas kicks two of the cranks down the stairs. There's only one left behind us. It grabs Brenda and she tries to kick it off of her, but to no use. She tries to hold it's chomping jaw away from her body as it tries to bite her flesh. I could see the terror in her face.
Thomas tries to kick it off of her, causing Brenda to lose her balance and slide down a few stories and land on a large glass wall that was hanging over a large abyss of the abondoned city. I could hear it crack as she made impact with it. The crank jumps down and lands next to her. The glass cracks more. It grabs her leg and she kicks it out of the broken glass wall next to the one her life is relying on. The crank falls out of veiw and Brenda looks up at me.
"I'm coming!" I shout as I slowly slide down. I hold onto a peice of the wall that had broken off. The glass started to crack, slowly. "I've got you, take my hand!" I tell her. She takes my hand as soon as she does, another crank falls down onto the glass wall, shattering it. It falls down into the abyss. Brenda's body dangles in the air, holding onto my arm for dear life.
I use all my strength to pull her up to where I was. Thomas helped her up the rest of the way. We go out of the building and onto the old pavement in the scorching sun. The city was quiet.
"Where are we?" Thomas asks. He notices Brenda plant herself on the ground for a moment, ripping a peice of her shirt off. She rolls up her left pant-leg to reveal a large, bloody bite mark on her lower calf.
"Fuck," she says. She starts wrapping it up with the cloth and tying it tight, then rolls her pants back down. Thomas helps her up.
"Brenda...," I start when she interuppts.
"Yea-yea, I know," she says worryingly. "Let's just hurry and go find Jorge and the others. Come on."
We follow her to another part of the city a few miles away. I looked around in awe. There's others. Other suviors living here. Malnorished people dressed in dirty clothes were sleeping on the streets or trying to trade items with other people. I look over to see a woman holding her toddler child. I can't believe children have to endure this fucked up world.
"Try to fit in," she tells us.
We keep walking until we hear the faint sound of music playing inside one of the buildings. Brenda walks up to a woman and asks if she knows the man that lives here. She shakes her head. A scruffy drunken man aproaches us.
"Are you here for the party?" he asks through his thin, chapped lips.
"No, we're trying to find a man named Marcus. My friend Jorge says he lived here," Brenda explains.
"Oh, he's dead, Sugar. But while your hear, you should try to enjoy the party. Here," he says, handing her a bottle of gross smelling liquid.
"What is it?" I ask.
"The price of admission." Brenda takes the bottle and stares at it. "Bottoms up!"
She takes a swig of the liquid and gags, handing it to me. I take a sip and the lady comes over and pushes the bottle up at an angle so that more of it flows into my mouth. I choke. There's a burning sensation in my throat. She takes the bottle from me and hands it to Thomas, making him take a swig as well.

Out Of Order (TMR Fanfic)
FanfictionShe was sent into the maze. But for what reason? She wakes up to see 30 teenage boys surrounding her. She is stuck in the glade with no clue, no memory, and no hope, that is until she finds an unexpected romance. Will she fall in love? Will she make...