Chapter Thirty-two

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The maze doors were about to open and I knew that they weren't coming back but a small part of me thought that maybe they still would. I didn't want to give myself false hope, but right now, that's what I needed to feel sane.

All of the gladers, including myself waited around the maze entrance for it to open, hopeful that our friends, or in my case, family, would return.

I held Ren's hand and with the other, Newt's, as I stared at the walls as they began opening once again.

I squeezed both of their hands tight and glared intently at the growing opening of the maze.

Once it was fully open, we all just stood their for a minute, waiting, but nothing happened. I stared at the ground beneath my feet as I let a tear fall.

"Yes! Yes! I knew they would come back!!!" I heard Chuck shout. My head shot up as I wiped the tear away with my hand, wincing as my wrist bent in the process.

I looked back up at the entrance and sure enough, there was Minho and Thomas carrying a still lifeless Alby.

A smile crept onto my face. The biggest smile I think I've ever had, well, that I can remember anyway.

Once they stepped foot into the glade, the medjack's too Alby back to their hut and I ran over to Minho. I gave his the tightest hug ever.

"Wow, someone missed me," Minho chuckled and hugged me back.

After a few seconds I let go of Minho and ran iver to Thomas. I slapped him so hard that his cheek started bleeding.

"What was that for-" Thomas started but I cut him off.

"What the hell, Thomas?! Running into the maze like that! You scared me half to death!" I yelled.

"Sorry, Eve. I just couldn't stand by while someone I know is going to die," Thomas explained.

"I know, and I was half expecting it from you, but still, if you EVER pull something like that again, I will happily feed you to the greivers myself," I say jokingly and gave him a hug.

"Glad to have you back," Newt says to both Thomas and Minho.

"Glad to be back," they say in unison.

"So, did you guys see a greiver???" Chuck asked, wanting to know everything, just like any kid would.

"He didn't just see it," Minho pauses, "he killed it."

Gasps arose from around the glade.

(Time skip brought to you by: Mean-Ho💙)

Thomas was currently being punished for running into the maze. He only has to spend a night in the slammer though, which isn't too bad. And he'll be a runner like me, once he's out. Oooooooooh, maybe I'll get to train him. That sounds fun.

It was breakfast time and they just put Thomas in the slammer. I went and sat down with Newt, Minho, and surprisingly Ren. I guess they had started getting along or something.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Minho says as I take a seat across from him.

"Mornin, Mean-Ho," I chuckle as Newt and Ren start dying of laughter.

"Woah, Eve. What happened to your wrists???" Minho says, looking at the thick layers of gaze that covered them.

I had forgotten about them. I guess I was just so focused on the fact that Minho and Thomas were back and that they're safe.

Both Newt and Ren shot eachother a 'oh shuck' look that I felt.

"Uhh...," I tried to think of some sort of exuse or reasonable story to tell him. "I was hanging from a tree branch and like out of nowhere, this branch swung back and sliced my arms," I lied.

"Right...," Minho says with a confused look on his face. He clearly knew this was a lie, an exaggerated one at that.

"Well, anyway, I better be off run," I say trying to change the subject.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Eve. Us runners have the day off today because of the events of last night," Ren says, motioning for me to sit back down.

"Oh, okay. Well then I think I'm just gonna go check on Thomas then, bye guys," I say, hesitantly as I walked a few yards away to the pit.

I looked down through the bars to see a very bored Thomas, throwing a rock at a wall. I put my wrists behind my back and leaned down next to the bars.

"Hey, Tommy."

"God, you scared me, Eve. Hey, what's up?" Thomas asks, startled.

"Nothin much, I have the day off today and thought I could come see how pit life was treatin ya," I say with a chuckle. He laughs at this.

"Well it's not as dull as one might think. See this rock, I've thrown it hundreds of times at this wall, and I think that if I throw it just right.........nothing will happen," Thomas laughed again.

"That's boring huh?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Hey, could you tell Minho to come talk to me when he gets the chance?" Thomas asked, picking the rock back up.

"On it," I say as I head back to the picnic table.

I was walking up behind Minho to scare him when I overheard their conversation.

"Look guys, cut the klunk. I know that's not what really happened, so tell me what did? Did someone hurt her or something? Why are you all lying to me about this?" Minho questioned.

"Look Minho, it's not our place to tell you what happened. If you want to know, you'll have to ask her, not us," says Ren as Newt nods.

I was about to walk away when a twig snapped from under my foot causing Minho to turn around.

"Oh hey, come sit. We were just talking about you," Minho says with a friendly smile.

"Well when are you ever not," I say sarcastically. They all let out a small laugh as I sit back down across from Minho.

"Eve, what really happened to your arms? These shanks won't tell me. Did someone hurt you? Do I need to beat someone up?" Minho asked lightly.

"I'm just clumsy, that's all," I lie.

"You don't hurt both of your wrists in the same spot by being clumsy, Eve. Just tell me what happened," he says, his tone turning into a more serious one.

"I just-couldn't live in a w-world without you or Thomas," I say, looking down at the table, waiting for his response. Newt and Ren were doing the same, patiently waiting.

"Oh my god, Eve. You don't mean-" Minho trailed off, and I saw his eyes start to water. I nodded and he got up and gave me a hug.

"And this was only a day ago?" Minho asks, still hugging me.

"Yeah but, I'm fine now. You back," I say, truthfully.

"I'm glad," Minho says as he sits back down.

"Fry said that breakfast is ready, so we should probably go get some before the other gladers take all of the good stuff," Ren says, standing up.

Newt took my hand and intertwined our fingers. "You're strong for doing that, you know," Newt says, referring to me telling Minho. I nod as we begin to walk to the kitchen, following behind Ren and Minho.

"Can you guys not mention any of this to Thomas though?"

"Anythinf for you, love," Newt replies.

"I'm actually not that hungry so I think I'm gonna just wait until lunch to eat," I say to Newt.

"Okay," Newt replies hesitantly.

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