I'm going to be with you soon. I won't remember anything, except you. We will find a way out. I promise.
The voice hadn't spoken all day and there is was again, ringing through my head.
What did it mean? Be with me soon? Was the person talking inside of my head coming to the glade? Should I be worried?
I turn to Newt, who I was helping with gardening. He was confused on why I had stopped.
"Something's coming," I tell him. He looks at me, frightened.
"How do you know?" he asks. "What's coming, Eve?"
"I don't know what's coming. Just trust me, something or someone is."
Newt, still a bit shook, nods and goes back to pulling up weeds. The sun's setting and the gladers are all heading to bed, exhausted.
Newt was already in bed when I got there. He was still awake. I didn't say anything and just got in bed with him and pulled the sheets over me. I soon fell asleep.
"Why are you doing this to me? To us?" I ask. A woman woth dark brown hair and a scar over her left eye steps infront of me.
"I have to. To save us all," she says, stabing my arm with a needle and inserting some type of liquid inside of my veins.
I turn around to see a boy with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes looking over at me. He was holding a gun pointed towards me. I shut my eyes in anticipation.
"I'm sorry," he says.
I hear a gunshot and wait for the pain. But to my surprise, I wasn't the one who had been shot. The woman behind me falls to the floor, covered I blood.
I soon begin to feel faint and collapse, probably because of what that woman had injected into my arm.
"I had to do it, Eve. I had to...for us," I hear the boy say.
I shoot up out of bed. It was still dark and I realized that my sudden outburst had woken up a frightened Newt.
"Wha-Em, are you okay? What's going on? What's wrong?" Newt asks frantically.
"N-nothing. A bad dream is all," I say, getting back in bed. Newt nods and tries to comfort me, but I pretend to be asleep.
Once Newt was asleep and snoring, I carefully slipped out from under the hand he had draped over my stomach and tip-toed out of his hut. I needed some fresh air. I begin walking, aimlessly around the silent glade.
My dream didn't feel like a dream. It felt so real. Like I was really there. It felt like a memory. Was it a memory?
I remembered seeing a lab coat on the woman. On the front right pocket it said, "WICKD." Just like on the boxes of supplies that get sent up every month.
I was talking to someone who worked for WICKD. That in itself was terrifying. But who was that other boy? His voice sounded so familiar.
All in all, I came to the conclusion that it must have just been a bad dream. A nightmare. If the rest of the gladers didn't have their memories, than why would I be any different.
The next morning all of the gladers headed to their jobs right after eating breakfast. I was finally able to get a meal down my throat. Newt looked at me like a lost puppy the entirety of breakfast. He was still concerned about last night. I hadn't gotten much sleep, since I never did go back to bed after my nightmare last night.
I was laughing at one of Minho's snarky comments when I hear an all too familiar sound. The Greenie alarm.
It had been a month since Chuck had come up in the box. Today, a new Greenie would arrive, probably hungry, tired, and beyond frightened out of his mind. Or her mind. I hoped desperately that we would get another girl. I hated being the only girl in the glade.
The boxes doors open as we all wait impatient to see the new greenie. I was in front his time, right next to the opening.
When it opened fully, a teenage boy with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes stared up into the glade. I panicked. This was the boy from my dream. So maybe it was a memory after all.
I jerked back a bit, frightened, and Newt was startled by this sudden movement.
"Oh hell no, this is not really happening right now," I say, still so surprised and kind of scared that the boy from my dream, the one holding the gun up at me, was now here.
(Sorry for the short chapter. I know I say that a lot but really sorry. I have so much school work to do and I'm reading a new book for school. It's called The Starters and it's really good, you should go read it If you have the time. Anyway that you so much for 200 reads! Love you all! Comment on what you want to happen next in the story. I will be posting the next few chapters very soon.)

Out Of Order (TMR Fanfic)
FanfictionShe was sent into the maze. But for what reason? She wakes up to see 30 teenage boys surrounding her. She is stuck in the glade with no clue, no memory, and no hope, that is until she finds an unexpected romance. Will she fall in love? Will she make...