Extras - Be my Quarantine : 1/3

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"Mrs. Moretti, what do you think of these venue options?"

Mrs. Moretti. Damn. It had been a while since I got married and I am honestly still dealing with being addressed by my husband's surname.

My husband. Well, I'm even a bit startled by the whole concept of a husband to be honest. My big and awkward wedding and amazing (any maybe steamy) honeymoon phase is over. The excitement has settled and now I'm finally coming in terms to everything. Leo is my husband. I'm still getting used to it.

I snapped out of my thoughts and answered the nervous new intern Emily hired. Lately, we've been expanding. Emily suggested that we hire more people to take the workload off me especially since I was busy planning my wedding. It was the best suggestion ever. And, lucky for us our new intern Sarah is a literal angel. She colour-codes her lists and knows what coloured arrow flags sticky notes are used for! Such a lifesaver she is!

I looked at her image on the tiny screen of my computer. "That's all very nice but what about the pandemic restrictions?" I asked.

Ever since that horrible covid spread across the world, life had changed. The wedding industry had completely toppled upside down. I won't lie we lost more then 20 major clients and it was quiet a loss. But we cannot loose hope, we all have to work really hard especially in such a difficult time.

"That would depend on the number of people attending it. Various countries and local governments have different restrictions imposed on venues depending on the severity of covid cases. Is there any specific one that interests you? I can gather more information about it." Sarah said.

"Sure, I'll talk to the clients. Some of them are still doubtful if they want to wrap the wedding up or wait till the situation gets better and have a grand ceremony." I sighed. God, that was a tiring task, convincing people.

I mean, as much as I want to hate my clients for being so cranky and choosy about something as trivial as a wedding when there is a literal pandemic, I realise that I cannot hate them. They might seem conceited and privileged. But, it is a goddamn wedding, one of the most anticipated event in one's life. It is natural for them to want the best. Of course, the pandemic messed up everything. I cannot hate my clients for wanting their dream wedding. Their wedding is my job but for them it is one of the biggest milestone in their lives. So I'd vowed that I'd make sure I'd give my guests their dream wedding in a pandemic while ensuring everyone stays safe and follows the restrictions and safety guidelines too. Not an easy task.

"Is that all or are we missing anything?"

Sarah gave a quick glance in her planner. "No, it seems we've discussed all the topics from the agenda."

"Very well. We are done for the day. Before we leave, I had to ask, how are you and your family?"

"I'm well." She said. "I was worried about you Mrs. Moretti. How are you? Is your treatment going well?"

"I'm coping up, Sarah." I sighed. "That's all one can do in this difficult time can't they?"

Sara and I talked for health for a bit before left. I left my desk and went back to my bed. I had been staring at these same walls and ceiling so much for the past few days that I think I was going crazy. I tested positive for covid and I had chosen to quarantine at my home, so I had confined myself in a room. Leo had tested negative for the virus and was doing all the chores while taking care of me.

I heard a knock on my door. I grabbed the face mask hanging from the door, wore it and opened the door of my room. Leo was outside, he was carrying a snack basket.

"Really, a mask?"

"It is for your safety dumbo." I took the basket from his hands, carefully trying not to touch him.

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