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Next day, I wrapped up most of my work. Emily too had helped me out. I liked my work but today I wasn't paying attention. I just wanted to meet Leo and sort this thing out. I hated arguing with him. I miss my boyfriend. It's just lately there had been so much distance between the two of us. I'd been busy with work and so was he. We never found time for each other. And now this Samar nonsense. I was afraid for my relationship, I hope that we still had enough love to get through this situation.

"Meg, there is someone here to meet you." Emily said.

It was quite early. I expected Leo to surprise me.

"Send him in."

However, it wasn't Leo who walked in, it was Samar. He had a box in his hands.

"What the hell?" Was the only thing I managed to blurt out.

"Hey before you kick me out can I just say something?" He said, "I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. And I may have caused problems in your relationship, I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean it ok, it was just awkward to tell your parents everything that happened between us."

I glanced at him. Apparently, he was being sincere. Ugh, he made this puppy face and I couldn't resist it.

"Apology accepted." I sighed.

He kept the box on my table.

"I really feel shitty about it. I hope your boyfriend isn't too angry." He pushed the box towards me. "Anyway, open the gift, I bet you'd like it."

It was a small box wrapped in a nice floral printed paper. I unwrapped the packing and opened the box. It had these diamond earrings set in silver. The earrings were very stylish, extravagant, not my usual taste but a unique addition. Samar had a flamboyant choice.

"This is beautiful."

"It's for you." He said. "I haven't been the best guy... I realised I've treated you in a shitty way. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. We've grown up and the past is the past. Can we at least remain on polite terms with each other?"

I glanced at the beautiful diamond earring. "I think we can." I said.

Had he said this some time ago, I'd have refused. But, we've both moved on now. I think being polite was mature thing to do.

"I still feel guilty though... I hope I didn't cause problems in you relationship. If you'd want I can talk to Leo." He said.

"It's ok. I'll talk to him." Suddenly, I realised that I was getting late to meet Leo. "Oh my god, I'm supposed to meet him like now."

Quickly I grabbed my phone and my purse. I straightened my hair.

"You know you should wear those earrings, it matches your outfit." He said.

He was right. My outfit today was a bit bland. The earrings certainly enhanced it.

"Now you're looking perfect, I'll walk you out." He said.

This was unexpected but so damned sweet. I never thought there would be a point in my life where I'd be on cordial terms with him. I guess people do mature. It felt nice to put past grudges at rest and remain on cordial terms with an ex.

He held the door for me as I rushed outside.


I walked at the cafe in the next block. At a distance, I saw Leo wait for me outside. I quickly walked to him. He wrapped me in a tight embrace. That familiar smell of his perfume and the warmth of his touch put me at ease. All my worries disappeared, nothing had changed between us.

"Walk with me." He whispered before pulling away. I obliged and trailed next to him as we walked the block around the cafe.

He often did this because he felt that someone was following him. I knew to trust his instincts so I obliged despite the fact that my cute shoes were hurting my feet like anything.

"Look, Leo." I started, "You need to learn to trust me. I love you ok, even if my celeb crush were to flirt with me I wouldn't because I love you."

He took my hand and entwined his fingers with mine.

"I get possessive about you. I still get angry when I imagine him being so close to you." He said.

"I hate it when a guy gets possessive about me like for god's sake I'm not a property or an object." She sighed.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He nodded pensively, "Fair enough. But, I don't treat you like my property. I care for you. I feel like I must protect you from all the harm in this world and keep you safe. And, I don't like that guy. I have a bad gut feeling about him."

"You're paranoid, Samar is alright."

It was Leo's nature to be suspicious of people. And, it was also normal for him to dislike him considering Samar and my past equation.

He stopped for a moment and gently tucked a strand of stray hair behind my ear. My heart almost stopped and then exploded. I felt like the world disappeared. The secluded alley we'd entered disappeared too.

"So, are we good?" He asked.

I nodded. "We are." Well, that was it. Some distance gave us both time to figure out our emotions.

"So how's your work going?" I asked.

He chuckled, "I'm still alive, so pretty good I'd say."

Mystery and sarcasm, classic Leo.

"How is your work?" He asked me.

I launched into a detailed explanation of the new wedding I was planning. They wanted an unconventional wedding with a crazy theme. Probably a barn wedding or something. Then I had another client asking to plan a luxurious destination wedding.

"— So then I called up Emily and..." Before I could complete my words. A bunch of cops surrounded Leo.

We tried to run but there was nowhere to go. A dozen cops had surrounded us. A police car too arrived nearby/

"Hands up, you're arrested."

Leo and I shared a confused look. Two cops pointed their guns us .Others slapped handcuffs on his wrist and led him to the police car.This was insane. I almost ran behind him to stop them from taking him. But, another officer held me back.

"Mam, you need to accompany us to the police station. We have to interrogate you with your connection wanted criminal Leo Moretti."

My world went black. What happened? Why was Leo getting arrested? No... this couldn't be true.



Okay that was a dramatic ending. Sorry for late updates, things have been hectic. Also, stay tuned for more, an important plot twist is coming. 




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