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My heart raced as Alex's car pulled in on the street opposite to my office. Emily, I and Amy wanted to get our stuff before we flew off somewhere. Since it was too dangerous to go alone, Alex vouched to accompany us in case things went wrong.

"Here we are." Alex said. "I'll go and get your stuff."

"Didn't you learn anything from Tokyo? The point is to be subtle. If you go there, the goons may recognise you and it would put the civiliian lives in the building at risk." Amy said. The sharpness in her tone was a little surprising.

Alex looked a little taken aback. Okay, what was Tokyo? I wanted to ask but this wasn't the right time.

"Fine, then I'll go. You guys stay here."

"They know you as well." Amy said. "Emily and I go to the office. You stay here with Alex and warn us if you see any shady car approach."

Before I could approve or disapprove, Amy and Emily barged out. Well, that's decided then.

Besides me, Alex sat calmly at the passenger's seat. Unmoving, his eyes glued to the road.

"Looks like I'm stuck with stakeout." I was watching over when we went on a mission to rescue Andrew too.

Alex rolled his eye at my pun. "We can't afford to let you get in danger. You're high-priority now that you and Leo are dating. There's a saying in chess that goes if the queen falls, the game is lost. They know it all too well. So, they'd be targetting you. That's why you absolutely cannot take foolish risks."

"I knew it. Leo sent you to babysit me." I crossed my arms and pouted, making my best impression of a baby.

Alex chuckled, "You are a weirdo, you know that?"

"I've heard that before."

A long silence passed between us as Alex took a closer look at a black car that passed by us. After being sure, it was nothing to worry about, he relaxed in his seat.

"So, what was Tokyo?" I asked.

Alex looked at me and cocked his eyebrow.

"Come on. I know there was something between you and Amy. Correct me if I'm wrong but I sense some real chemistry between you guys. Were you dating by any chance?"

"Dating? What no?" Alex blurted. "It was just a one-night stand... three years ago."

Yes! I figured it out. So, I was right then.

"Must've been one heck of a one-night stand, since you both clearly haven't forgotten it."

Alex gushed a little, "I shouldn't be telling you this. You're her friend. You'd tell her everything I tell you."

"Like you don't want her to know." I said. "Alex, you both do have some feelings for each other. But, I suppose you're scared and so is she. I can undertand that you're intimidated by her. Usually, guys are shit scared of her strong personality."

"No, it's not like that. I love her strong personality but..." Alex looked away sadly. "I wanted to get serious but she insisted on keeping things casual. She abandoned me in Tokyo, left my hotel room at midnight. All I find is a note saying I'm sorry. I had to leave. I don't think she likes me and I don't want to get hurt again."

I wanted to tell Alex that's not the case, but do I even know for sure what Amy wants? I don't want to play with their feelings. Unless I find out Amy's true feelings, I'm not going to give Alex hopes.

"I understand how painful that can be. Waking up in an empty bed is the worst feeling ever. This hookup culture is really heartbreaking for people who get attached easily."

Alex let out a bitter chuckle, "That's true."

Amy and Emily hurried back. They both got in the car with a bag full of belongings. Alex started the car and drove effortlessly and quickly. In the mirror, I saw Emily's tear-stained face.

"What happened?"

"They thrashed our office." Emily sobbed. "All our plants, our folders, our computers... everything was thrashed. We built it with so much love and seeing it destroyed like that, it's just so sad."

"Em..." I didn't know what to say. The idea of my beloved office being shattered to pieces was like a stab to my heart. It was like a home to me. I built it up from scratch.

"We salvaged what we could." Amy said. She took out a succulent plant from the backpack. The cute pot cracked and the mud fell out over her lap. The succulent dangled helplessly on the broken shred of the pot. My babies. These plants were like my babies. This was so wrong. I didn't even have anything to do with DeLuca and Moretti feud. I was just trying to get out of there alive and do what was necessary for my survival. They have no reason to get personal like that.

I suppressed my tears, "I will hunt those bastards and make them pay."

"Hell, we will." Alex added.


We stopped by my home to retrieve some off my stuff. This time, it was mine and Alex's turn to take the trip. When I was rounding around the porch, I saw a fimilar face. I was rummaging my mind for a name.

"Remy... the guy who stole my tote." I recalled his name.

"No time for that, you need to run. I came here when I heard that they're looking for you." He said.

"But... I need to grab my stuff."

Alex gently put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Meg, Remy is right. There's no time for this."

Despite my opposition, Alex pulled me away. Remy flashed us a mock salute and disappeared in the darkness.

All the while that we drove, I could feel everyone tense up. No one spoke a single word.

The situation I'd ended up in finally hit me.



I'm so sorry for this long break. I was so busy with my upcoming book. My second poetry book got published and the third book, a fiction is set to be out soon. I had my exams in between too. So, long story short, things have been hectic lately. During this time, I thought about where I want TGWP to go. So, I feel that I should continue it in the same book instead of making a new book. This book is far from over and I'm continuing it. Hopefully the updates would be sooner. 

Thank you for being so patient. I'll definitely try and make it up to you guys! 


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