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There are two types of hectic in the world — the first is the normal hectic, you know your garden variety of hectic, maybe a deadline or exam or some other thing, The second type of hectic is planning a royal wedding. After having planned one wedding I don't get it why I bothered to do another one. Money and exposure is super cool. Although the hell it puts me through is so not worth it. Anna and William's wedding was perhaps the most demanding wedding I'd planned. For almost a month I couldn't speak to Leo properly. Security was tight and calls were monitored. I couldn't call Leo in such a situation, it would put him at risk. Anyway, I planned that grand wedding. I must say that the efforts were totally worth it. Fortunately, the night of the wedding we were blessed with clear skies. The northern lights were visible. It was so beautiful, I think I cried. At times like these, I missed Leo. They say love means thinking of someone in trouble. But true love means seeing something beautiful and wishing you could share it with that person. It is easy to remember people when you're in a problem. But remembering someone when you're happy and surrounded by beauty, wanting someone to share your happiness, that is what love means to me. Shit, I actually love Leo! It's like every time I think I love him, I find a way to fall harder for him.

Last I'd heard things with Leo were pretty good. He'd gone on a trip to Japan to visit Alex. The rest of them had moved back to Trinity. Gigi told me that things were calming down and it was safe to get back home. Apparently, DeLuca's had given up or so it seems. Nico was glad to go home but Leo was skeptical. It was why he made a detour all the way to Japan.

As for me, I decided to pay my family a visit. I hadn't told my parents about my relationship. Riya and Ritesh knew but mom and dad didn't. I mentally prepared myself through the flight. Indian parents can be a bit dramatic when it comes to boyfriends. I even thought a cover profession for Leo. He has his family business. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't a complete truth. There was no way I could tell them the truth.

I walked till my house and rang the door bell. Ritesh opened the door. Riya and he helped me with my luggage to get settled. Apparently, mom and dad had gone for a movie and would be returning home shortly. I caught up with the twins and their pranks. Well, they did try to feed me one of their weird food experiments which I gladly declined.

Before I knew, mom and dad arrived. Someone was with them. Wait a second, why was Samar with them? Samar came up to me and kissed my cheek. Before I could push him away, he gently inched away from my grasp. Excuse me? What the actual fuck?

"You cannot imagine how happy we are to see both of you together." Mom said.

I guess Samar noticed my bewildered expression because he whispered in my ear, "Please play along. I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth."

Ugh. Of course he had an image to maintain. He couldn't tell my parents that he was being a total jerk. For the sake of decency and due to my upbringing as a polite lady I let this nonsense continue. I was meeting my family after a long time and I was in no mood to create a scene here.

After some small talk, I pulled Samar aside.

"What is wrong with you? I'm dating someone. You can't pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Relax." He shrugged. 'Your boyfriend isn't here. And I doubt your mom dad would accept him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Firstly he is not an Indian." Samar said, "Supposing you did convince them about Leo, they will eventually find out what he does."

My jaw dropped.

"I was a cop Meg, I know the Moretti family very well." Samar said, "If I were to tell uncle and aunty about it do you think they would accept it?"

I felt an ugly sinking feeling in my stomach. He was right. My parents would not accept Leo. Andrew's parents cancelled his wedding after discovering the truth. And, Gigi isn't even in a fucking gang, she is just related to Leo. I can barely imagine how my parents are going to react learning that my boyfriend is a gangster, not your average criminal delinquent types but a fucking mob boss. I know what Leo is, I love and accept him for what he is. But, can I say the same about my parents? Will they accept him for who he is? Don't be stupid Meg, they're Indian parents you can't have this kind of reasoning with them.

"Fine." I sighed. "I'm going to do this drama until you are here."

Samar smiled. I don't know why his smile looked creepy. Maybe, he was a creepy guy and I never really noticed it because I was blinded by my infatuation towards him. Anyway, regardless of how I felt I didn't really have a choice. He didn't say it outrightly but I knew he'd tell my parents about Leo if I did not play along.

"Very well, I hope we can have a good time at the dinner." Samar said.

He left me in my room. It was so damn frustrating. Anyway it is probably just for a couple of days.

"You look like a mess, sis" Riya asked, "what's up?"

I told her about Samar asking me to pretend to be his girlfriend until he was here.

"What did you say?"


Riya glared at me, "You haven't gotten over him, have you. I don't know why you straight girls have this habit of going back to toxic guys."

Great, just great. I cannot tell my cousin why I agreed to it. I cannot tell anyone who Leo really is, that would be putting him at risk. Besides, I want my cousins to judge Leo as human before they find out what he really does.

"I don't like him. It's just... look at mom dad they love him... And regardless of what happens they wouldn't accept Leo the same way."

Riya sighed, "Damn, I know what you mean." She shook her head, "If I ever get a girlfriend I don't think I'd be able to introduce her to my parents. I'd be terrified too."

"You can always introduce her to me, I won't judge you for loving a girl."

"I know, that's why you're the coolest big sis ever." Riya said and hugged me. "Anyway wish you all the luck in the world, you have to deal with that idiot all evening. Your parents are planning to go to the Aquamarine."

I sighed, "Fine."


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