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Gigi wrapped me in a hug when she met me

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Gigi wrapped me in a hug when she met me. She was a gorgeous human being. She had had a lovely olive toned skin and her long hair had a nice balayage highlights. I needed to ask her the name of her hairstylist because her hair was literally goals. Even when she was dressed in plain sweatshirt and jeans she looked gorgeous.

She was telling me how her boyfriend laid out the best proposal plan ever. I was listening to Gigi but I couldn't stop thinking about Leo. He seemed to hate me so much; I swear he'd have murdered me if he had a chance. That's why I couldn't believe he went out of his way to help me out. Shortly after Gigi and I got discussing venues, Leo left because he had some work.

Gigi said. "...To be honest I was a little upset this morning because Andrew was unable to be here with us. And I can't even be angry at him for ditching me. He's a doctor and he had an emergency surgery."

Gigi was telling me about her fiancé Andrew who was caught up with work and unable to fly to Trinity. I know what a big deal an engagement announcement party is and at such an important time; it sucks to not have your fiancé by your side.

"I hate to do this alone. I wish he wouldn't have abandoned me like this, I'm so nervous." Gigi sighed.

"But look at it positively, Andrew trusts you so much that he's willing to leave such important details to you. I don't think he's abandoned you, I think he believes you to be capable to handle things on your own. Besides, it was the matter of someone's life. He couldn't have refused it."

Gigi pondered over my words. She cracked a weak smile.

"You always know the right things to say Meg. Now, let's get to work shall we?"

Gigi and I scouted all the places I'd shortlisted in my list

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Gigi and I scouted all the places I'd shortlisted in my list. We were searching for a venue to fit with masquerade theme and accommodate all the guests. Since Andrew was the heir of a multinational pharmaceuticals corporation, I knew their wedding would be big. I knew that Gigi was rich and influential too – she was a noble lady's best friend. But I never knew what Morettis actually did. I'd heard that they had a perfume brand. Some said they  owned a huge marble supplying company as well yet, I wasn't really sure what they did that made them so rich. But I was sure it would be a glamorous wedding.

"How many guests are you expecting?" I asked Gigi as we sat for lunch.

Gigi dragged me to her favourite restaurant where they served the best seafood. We still had many places to go but we were tired after seeing so many similar venues.

"The pre-engagement party is going to be a small affair with just over two hundred people. The wedding is going to be super big. I'm pretty sure all kinds of people are going to turn up uninvited too." She said.

I raised my head to meet her eye. I wasn't sure what she meant by that. Why would anyone possibly come to a wedding uninvited? There would be a tight security after all.

"What does that mean?"

Gigi explained, "We Italians have huge families and extended families as well. Mine happens to be particularly big. Many people would be coming from Andrew's side as well. And then there's this tradition too..."

"What tradition?"

"It's a tradition that a man can't refuse a favour on his daughter's wedding. My father takes traditions very seriously." She said.

The waiter's arrival with food interrupted our conversation.

I'd seen the Godfather and I knew about that tradition. But, I didn't expect it to be a real thing. And I certainly didn't know it was followed so seriously.

"That thing from The Godfather is real? I thought it was fictional. "

I looked at Gigi and noticed a strange sense of bitterness in her eyes.

"You have no idea how close it is to reality."

I wanted to ask her what she meant by that but before I could say any more, Gigi dug in her seafood platter.

"Are you sure you don't want some? You have no idea what you're missing out on." She asked.

I sighed. "I'm a vegetarian. And the only vegetarian dish this place serves is salad."

"I'm so sorry. I forget you were vegetarian. I remember in Selene's wedding you ate mashed potatoes."

"Ugh. Don't remind me of that."

Gigi finished her scrumptious seafood platter and I nibbled my bowl of veggies like a rabbit. I swear being a vegetarian in the west was like being a livestock– all you could eat was grass. During times like these, I missed India and most importantly I missed Indian food. But this salad wasn't that bad. I just hated chewing raw veggies.

Are you a vegetarian or do you have any diet restrictions? Do you face the same difficulties as Meg does? 

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Are you a vegetarian or do you have any diet restrictions? Do you face the same difficulties as Meg does? 

(P.S. I'm a vegetarian so I know the struggle.)

Do let me know about your struggles with food in the comments.

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