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I kissed Leo Moretti

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I kissed Leo Moretti... Let that fact sink in. Maybe, I should have it engraved on the wall right in front of my bed so that each night before I go to sleep, I ponder over my recklessly stupid decisions. What is wrong with me? Every time I see him, my stomach churns so bad I think I might throw up. I haven't felt this – butterflies in stomach, racing hearts, blushing cheeks, Bollywood background music – kind of crush since my teenage boy-crazed days.

Why couldn't I be like other girls who had their emotions under reign? I wish I could play hard to get. The guys I'd been with often told me that I was hard to read. Normally, I had a lid over my emotions. But when it came to Leo, it is another issue. He brings out a volatile side of me. Be it annoyance, respect or admiration I feel everything at extremes when it comes to him.

"Meg, are you even listening to me?" Emily snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah totally." I lied. Honestly, if I had to hear about another bridesmaid fight I'm going to loose my shit.

Emily just glared at me. Ugh, disadvantages of being a bad liar. 

"What's wrong Meg?" Emily asked, keeping those calendars away. "You look like a kicked puppy."

"Well consider this hypothetical situation, if you have a crush on a guy and ended up accidently kissing him what'd you do?"

"One, no one just accidentlykisses someone. Two, don't do that hypothetically speaking shit with me. You totally kissed Leo, didn't you?"

Can you blame me Em? I mean have you looked at his him when he smiles? I think my insides turn into puddles... okay that sounds so wrong. Note to self, never use the cringey phrase insides turn to puddlesever again.  

"I'm stupid okay? It was just the moment felt so right and we both got carried away but then he flinched."

Of course I was so stupid to have kissed him. I buried my face between my palms; I could never face Leo Moretti ever again. This has to top the list of most embarrassing things I've ever done.

"You're being dramatic. You should talk to him about it. If you guys kissed, clearly there are emotions underneath and not to mention that super obvious chemistry between the two of you. You need to sort it out." Emily said.

"Not happenning." I said. "Look it was a mistake. I doubt he'd want to talk about it. I'll just avoid him and hope that he forgets it. Then everything can turn back to normal."

Emily shrugged. Her sensible mind had enough of my shenanigans and absurd logic.

"And how are you going to avoid him? Literally we're just moments away from meeting him."

That's right I'd dreaded this meeting with Gigi. Ever since that kiss happened between Leo and I, I've wanted to avoid Leo. Today I had to go to Moretti mansion once again to decide the colour scheme and I was freaking out. 

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