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The evening arrived. It was time for the dinner. I got ready, tried my best to wear an unflattering dress. But joke's on me, I'm cute so nothing is unflattering for me. Anyway, I was so damn ready to get this dinner over with. We were all going to the Aquamarine. I had a plan for the evening, stick with the twins so that Samar wouldn't get me alone. Sometimes when I look at him, I wonder what the hell did I see in him? Sure, he had a pleasing face but he wasn't cute enough for all the hell that he put me through.

I smoothened my dress and walked till my car. Well shit, let's get this horrible dinner done with. The thought of pretending to be his girlfriend made me throw up a bit. I recalled our past when I fell in love with him. We met during a common acquaintance's wedding and bonded instantly. Every Desi girl dreams of a Bollywood style love story wherein she stumbles upon a handsome guy at a wedding. It was the perfect scenario to meet someone. I still remember when Samar and I had a pani puri eating contest and he won. He was such a fun person. I remember when we would hang out and Samar would always have the craziest stories. We'd go out on dates and have sessions. I fell for him. It is not that hard to imagine me falling for someone, I mean I'm emotional and dumb I fall easily. He didn't quite feel the same way about him. He wasn't ready due to his demanding career. I was willing to wait. It was all good until suddenly we started drifting apart. He'd find me too much, too serious. He never really told me how he felt about me. And, I won't lie it made me feel insecure, as if I wasn't good enough for him. I got clingy and he felt suffocated. Anyway, he found someone else and that made me so mad. The boy had the nerve to tell me that I had no right too get mad because we were never official. For almost a year, he made me go through this shit. I hate it so much when guys do that, they make us girls feel as if we are stupid for feeling stuff. Boys always make you feel as if you are irrational to feel possessive about them. Yet, somehow they think it is okay to get jealous and stake a fucking claim on a girl who they're officially not dating. Why the double standards? Samar thought exactly that way. He told me he needed his space, his freedom and I was suffocating him. But if I would even mention that cute co-worker I had a slight crush on, he would throw a tantrum. I could not deal with that toxic situation anymore so I left.

We arrived at the Aquamarine. The drive was so long that I dozed off. The twins were singing to some of these popular songs. Samar joined them too. After all that ugliness between us, I forgot he could be fun too. Anyway I chose to sleep. Too much awkwardness for me.

I got out of the car quickly and we headed to the restaurant where my parents had already reserved a table for us. I was literally ushered to sit next to Samar. I involuntary refrained from rolling my eyes. For my parents, Samar was the sweetest, most polite and the nicest guy ever. He had a way of charming people. But, I knew how shady he really was. I faked a polite smile and got along with them. I even made a few talks with Samar regarding his career. He had left his former job as a cop and started his own security firm along with a friend. He had even referenced me to some high-profile clients of his. He was being really charming with me. I wonder why he was suddenly being so nice to me.

The waiter served us our food and I was distracted by it. This evening was awkward but hey, the food looked delicious.

Just as I was about to take a bit, I noticed someone at the corner of the room. He wasn't looking but I could recognise him anywhere. He was hanging out with a bunch of serious looking men. One of them was a burly and scary man. I realised it was one of his work meetings. Our eyes met.

Suddenly, I felt Samar full me close. "Smile for the picture, Meghana." He said.

Distracted, I smiled for the picture. I noticed Leo arch his eyebrows at me. He had that cocky skeptical look on his face. I was so distracted looking at Leo that I never realised Samar kissing my cheek. I reacted instinctively and pushed him away.

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