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The next few days I busied myself with planning Maria's wedding. It had been days since I'd seen him. He avoided me and so did I. He better realize that two could play a game. If he didn't care, why should I? Despite my pride, deep down I did care. I'd ask Andrew for updates on Leo's health. And, when he'd assured me Leo was recovering, I felt at peace.

"What did my daughter say about the dress? Did she like any of them?" Maria asked me when we were finalising the colour schemes.

I hid away my phone. Maria's yonger daughter had refused to attend this wedding and refused to be involved in it. She said it was shameful for her to get involved in it.

"She... ummm...." Before I could mumble, Deigo blurted out.

"They think it is wrong for you to marry." He sighed. "I didn't want you to know because you'd feel hurt."

"Agreed." Valeria said joining in. "Maria your daughters are being very immature right now. If they can't accept your happiness, they don't deserve to be with you."

Maria's face looked downcast. "But they're my daughters."

"Guys we can't just ask her to forget about her daughters. I mean she's their mom for god's sake."

I sighed and shook my head. "Let's try one last time. I'm going to the city to meet them."


Leo came to my room just when I was about to head out. I glared at him.

"I came here to borrow my toothbrush." He said awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes. "This is the fourth time you've come here asking to borrow your toothbrush. Why don't you just admit you miss me?"

"Fine." He crossed his arms. "You shouldn't go to the city. DeLuca's men are there and its unsafe. At least let me accompany you." He said.

"Not happenning, Leo." I said. "You're recovering, I can't let you risk your life again."

"Nor can I let you risk yours." He looked at me with his puppy-dog eyes. God, he could be so convincing and cute if he wanted to.

"Leo I have to go." I said. "I know you're concerned about me but it needs to be done. Maria is relying on me and I have to try for her sake."

Leo sighed and left the room. Great, he'd just tried to mend things and I'd again brushed him away coldly. I just wish I could communicate properly with him. There's been so much gap between us. I had almost gotten ready to leave when Leo came in again.

"I've set up a video chat with Maria's daughters Estella and Elena." Leo said sheepishly, running his fingers through his hair. "I couldn't let you risk it."

I smiled gratefully at him. This was really sweet of him.

"Thank you." I said.

"Alex is waiting with the laptop." Leo said. He avoided meeting my gaze and left hastily.

I got down the stairs and saw Alex with the laptop. Estella and Elena, two identical looking girls were on screen. I chatted with them for a while. I learnt that both of them were studying in a university. They both spoke unexceptional english and sounded pretty friendly. After I was sure they'd warmed up, I gently broached the topic of Maria's marriage.

"I hope you don't mind me asking this but why are you so against your mother's marriage?"

Estella, the older one with short hair, sighed and shook her head. "It's wrong on so many levels. Diego is like few years just older than us." She said.

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