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The interview went on and suddenly, Don DeLuca raised his hands to silence us

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The interview went on and suddenly, Don DeLuca raised his hands to silence us. We heard faint sounds of gunshots. As we were about to get up, DeLuca grabbed my hands and his guards pointed a gun at us.

"I knew it, you both are responsible for this." He said. "You're our hostages."

I felt my heart stop. This was it, this is how I was going to die. I glanced across the room and saw that we were completly surrounded, there was no way out for us.

A guard barged inside the lounge.

"The Morettis have betrayed us." He said.

When everyone had their eyes on the guard, Amy gestured to me. Taking advantage of the situation we threw the guard towards DeLuca's goons hovering us. When they were scrambling, we sucessfully made it out of the room.

As we reached out, we were met with a wild gunshot and frantically running people. Amy and I crouched low to avoid being hit. I helped her grab a wooden table and flip it over – it was our cover. She took out her pistol and unlocked the slide stop. I immitated her and tried to get my gun out of the duct tape tangle.

"Meg hurry up!" Amy said.

The sounds of guns around us increased and I threw away the bundle of duct tape. I used my hand and managed to unlock the slide stop.

"Now run to the bar counter and try not to get shot."

Amy and I ran out of our cover. We crouched and ran as fast as we could. When we reached the counter, we saw a guy aiming a gun at us. Reflexively, both Amy and I shot at the same time.

Amy bent down to check the guy's pulse. She looked bewildered.

"Shit we killed him." She blurted. She was about to push that guy's body away when I stopped her.

I dug through his pockets and found a gun along with lots of bullets. Before Amy pushed him, I took a handhkerchief from his pocket to wipe blood off a wound Amy got while running away.

Amy took a peek outside and gasped.

"Leo is surrounded." She blurted. "We've got to cover for him."

Normally, the thought of holding a gun filled me with dread but when I saw Leo cornered, hiding behind a broken table and fending off a shower of bullets, I was filled with all the courage I needed. All I knew was that I had to save him.

Amy took her position and I took mine besides her.

"Ready?" Amy asked.

I took a deep breath and statied my shaking hands. "Ready."

Both of us fired at the opposite direction. Leo noticed us and tried to make it behind the counter but it did not work.

"Fuck!" Amy blurted. "We're short on bullets."

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