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I felt a pillow hit my head. Ugh. Couldn't Leo ask for my attention in a normal way? Idiot. Jerk. I kept my phone aside and glared at him. "What do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I'm bored. This magazine has nothing. I do not want to know my horoscope or how to get the perfect smokey eye." He said.

He disdainfully kept another magazine on the couch. Hey, just because fashion magazine bored him doesn't mean he should disturb me from reading his super secret diary. Not that I'm going to tell him what I've been reading.

"Stop whining, I'm trying to relax and FYI, smokey eye is a life saving skill." I said. No one criticises smokey eye in front of me. It's a lifesaver for clumsy girls like me who can never get a proper winged liner. Can't hold a liquid eyeliner steady? No problem, just smudge it. Can't blend eyeshadow? Make it smokey eye. It's a blessing for humanity.

"Can you at least talk to me? I'm literally back from a life endangering mission and you aren't even talking to me? Is this a way to treat your boyfriend?"

"Sweetie, you know I'm a cold-hearted ice queen." I said. He rolled his eye and grunted in reply.

Who am I kidding? I'm no ice queen.

"Sure, let's gossip." I got up from the bed and reached for the couch, where I flopped next to him.

"It's not gossip. It's called as having a conversation." He said, with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Same thing." I said. "Okay I'll start. We need a plan to reconcile Andrew and Gigi."

"Agreed." He said. "Between this family issue they've forgotten about their love. We can remind them of that."

"Gigi asked me to talk to Andrew's parents. I mean seriously why me? Do I strike you as a mature individual capable of making sound decisions?"

Leo chuckled. "You have that good girl vibes, the kind that makes older people, like parents trust you instinctively. I bet you were that kid in school who every parent wanted their kid to be with because you're such a good influence."

I wanted to argue but, he wasn't wrong. "That was weirdly specific and accurate. But, you're getting off track here."

"Right, so mission attempt to reconcile Andrew and Gabriella," Leo said. He thoughtfully stroked his chin. "Andrew's family owns this big Pharma company and they're the biggest goody two shoes you'll ever meet. Honestly, I never thought capitalism could exist without corruption but believe me, Andrew's family makes it possible."

"I'm guessing they kind of hate anything illegal, especially the mafia. And, that is the main issue right?"

Leo sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's not like we're monsters. We're people for god's sake."

"But they aren't entirely wrong... I mean who'd want to have their kid marry into a family of gangsters?"

Leo's face twisted into a scowl. He did not like what I said. But, it was the truth. God, I needed to learn some tact. Then again, is there really a diplomatic way to talk about your boyfriend's family?

"Are you trying to say that your parents would hate the idea of us being together?" He said.

"They would. Honestly, they'd freak out if I told them I was bringing home a white or a non-Indian boy, mafia family is a totally different issue."

It was true. Indian parents are super picky and unpredictable when it comes to their child's lovers. If I were to ever introduce my family to Leo, my mom would ask me his birthdate and zodiac sign and if we're compatible. And, no it isn't a simple sun sign, it's a whole freaking elaborate chart like some blueprint of a super complicated computer. And my dad.. well, he'd keep giving Leo his death glare all the while. He might ask him what he does and how much he earns. After my parents interrogate him like he's in jail, then they'd pass their judgement on him. Meanwhile, I'd have already died out of nervousness. God, the thought of my parents finding out about Leo makes me nauseous. Indian parents are super scary.

"Supposing..." Leo said. "If your parents opposed us dating. Suppose, if we were in Andrew and Gabriella's place, what would you have done?"

Really Leo, a trick question? I'd probably never tell my mom dad what he really does. But, I can't tell that to Leo. He'd be like so, are you ashamed of me, Meg? And then it'd take me a day to finally make amends with his broody ass. I'm not ashamed of what he does, I know his story. I know he wasn't given a choice. But I don't expect my parents to understand it.

"I'd try to hide it from them and if they do find out, I'd say you're working on reforming yourself."

"You'd lie?"

"No, I'd make you change your profession."

He laughed throatily as if I'd said a joke. I'd have tried to make him change his ways. Isn't it what every heroine of a romance story does? The loveable heroine transforms the bad boy. Only in my case, my bad boy is a deadly mafia boss with a super short temper, and I am more annoying than adorable.

"I'll humour you." He said, throwing the magazine onto the table casually. "Suppose, even if we did manage to get out of this DeLuca mess, how do you suppose will I leave this past behind? I'm not the most qualified person, I can't go to a job interview and expect a job. Papa tried so hard for all three of us to leave our family business but we all got sucked into it." He looked away.

"You have a legal front for all the shady dealings, don't you? That marble importing company? And that fashion brand? Why don't you divert all your resources to the legitimate business? It's not unheard of. In fact, the biggest companies have started like this by going from illegal to legal."

Leo sighed. "It's not easy. They say you never leave the mob, it's for life. Besides, what will I do of all the people under my protection? Who will give them jobs? When these people moved from Italy to Trinity I promised to protect them, give them a home and a job. How will I keep my word to them?"

"Employ them," I said.

"Brilliant!" He exclaimed sarcastically. "I can ask my capos to become accountants and my bodyguards to work a fax machine or some shit like that."

"If you're willing, anything is possible."


I shouldn't have said that. His eyes darkened and a tight scowl twitched on his lips.

"Let's just cut this out." He said, furrowing his brows with irritation. "I'm exhausted and I'd hate to argue with you."

Yeah, he did have a point. I didn't want to make an issue out of nothing and ruin his mood. Having a brooding boyfriend is tough. There are rare moments when the said boyfriend is in a good mood, I wouldn't want to mess that moment up. Fine, this once I'd let it go.

I leaned forward and used my signature doe-eye look. "We don't have to talk if you don't want to. We can always do something else." I let my hand trail suggestively lower on his arm.

He pushed me away. "I'm sorry, not right now." He said. His eyes had a distant gaze. He got up, straightened himself and left the room. Typical Leo. When he was upset, he'd want some space. I knew it was futile to pry him, he wouldn't talk unless he was ready to.

Oh well.

Looks like I'm on my own. I kept the magazines aside and picked up my laptop. I chatted with Emily, who'd gone to meet our clients.


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