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The next morning, as I sat on my bed, I heard my roommate Amy's voice

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The next morning, as I sat on my bed, I heard my roommate Amy's voice.

"You've woken up since past hour and you're still in bed. What's wrong? " She asked.

Ugh, she knew me so well. The truth was I hadn't stopped thinking about Leo and his gun that I found in his jacket. Why did he even have a gun?

"I came home late last night." I said.

I told her the entire story about how I was almost stuck in the rain with Leo after Gigi left with the car to meet her fiancé.

"...So yeah Leo dropped me home."

"Leo?" She asked. "As in the cocky guy who messed up your bag? I thought he was a jerk. Why did he help you?"

Amy knew about the bag. I had made sure to vent out to everyone how an annoying guy had messed up my bag and I was compelled to work with him.

"I don't know but..." I sighed.

I pondered over telling Amy about the gun. She knew a lot about guns and weapons in general. Amy was an expert in martial arts and knew how to use weapons. She was an investigative journalist who'd recieved threats on her life because of her writings. So she was the epitome of badass chick and one of the coolest person I knew. Maybe, that's why I was so terrified of messing her house. Who would want to get on the wrong side of a person who could strangle you with her bare hands?

If I could trust anyone about this, it should be Amy.

"Amy, Leo had a gun. I found it in his jacket pocket."

"A gun?" Amy's brown eyes perked up with excitement. She simply loved weapons of all sorts.

I opened the drawer and handed her the gun. Last night, I was so afraid to even look at it that I stashed it away in the drawer in my bedside table.

Amy twirled the gun and analysed it. In an instant, she took it apart and dismantled it. I would never get used to that elated and borderline creepy smile that played on her lips when she saw a weapon. Seriously, who could find a dangerous weapon fascinating?

"This is a beauty." Amy said.

Suddenly, Amy went pale. She was staring at the grip of the gun.

"Meg, tell me the truth, where did you find this?"

I was a little startled by the sudden seriousness in her voice.

"I told you it was in Leo's coat pocket." I said. "Why what happened?"

Amy cracked a forced smile. I knew something wasn't right and Amy was trying to hide it from me.

I noticed Amy running her fingers over a symbol engraved on the grip.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a symbol." Amy said. "An oddly familiar symbol."

I was about to ask her what it meant and what it was but Amy had other questions for me.

Amy asked, "So the Leo guy, how did he find you?"

"He wanted me to organize his sister Gigi's wedding." I said.

Okay, I was nervous now. Amy's pensive look freaked me out a little right now.

"I told you about Gigi, didn't I? She was one of Lady Selene's best friends." I said trying to divert the topic.

"What's her real name? And, how does she look?" Amy asked.

"Gigi's real name is Gabriella, Gabriella Moretti. She has long and dark hair, nice olive toned complexion and a very angelic face." I said, recalling Gigi's pretty features.

"Oh god!" Amy gasped.

She quickly grabbed her phone from her pocket and typed something onto it. I was really scared now. Why was Amy reacting like this? I really need to know everything and to get to the end of this.

Amy handed me her phone.

"Is this Leo?" She asked.

I glanced at the screen to see a mug shot of Leo. It looked a little different, probably of his younger age. Okay what was going on? How did Amy know Leo but most importantly, why was he arrested?

"Yeah." I said, "But why was he arrested?"

Amy was taken aback by my answer. She looked terrified like she'd seen a ghost.

"Meg do you know that the Leo you speak of is the Leonardo Moretti the mafia boss of the Moretti clan?"

Amy's words shocked me.


"Leo is a gangster... and he's just not any ordinary gangster, he's a mafia boss, the most feared crime lord in Trinity for god's sake!" Amy blurted.

Amy's words shocked me. This... this couldn't be true. Or could it?

 Or could it?

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