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I stared at him blankly

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I stared at him blankly. What the hell was Leo doing here? How did he find me? Why was he here?

Get a grip Meg, he told you he wants to talk.

He looked at me with a strange kind of softness in his eyes.

"Why do you have glitter on your face?" He asked.

"Where is it?"

He gestured at my forehead. I tried to wipe my forehead but judging from Leo's expression, I was way off mark.

"Wait..." He said and approached closer.

I felt his towering persence over me. After what happened, I don't think it is right for him to be this close to me. I felt a strange pull towards him, like I couldn't help but touch him. I wonder if he felt it too?

His fingers gently wiped my forehead. After wiping off traces of glitter he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You know..." His voice was a hoarse whisper.  "I just noticed that you have really nice legs." He said.

The nerve of the guy! I'd have gotten annoyed if I didn't realize that he was right. I was half-dressed in front of him. I was too bored to even be conscious about it so I just took the compliment.

I gave his shoulder a slight shove and made some distance between us. I crossed my arms. Even if he was here - and I was flattered and impressed - I did not want to make it too easy for him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I needed to talk to you." He said.

"About?" I tried to feign ignorance.

He rolled his eyes. I admit, he looked sexy when he rolled his eyes.

"We kissed. Don't you think we need to talk about it?" He said.

His bluntness made me feel awkward. He literally did not understand the meaning of indirect or subtle. And I found his directness incredibly sexy.

"Not that it matters... I heard you and Bianca are giving it another try."

Leo looked away. I couldn't decode if he felt guilt or regret. His dark eyes looked so sad that I wanted to reach out to him. My hand almost reached out to him; I'd have touched him if the sound of someone clearing their throat wouldn't have interrupted me.

"We're back didi." Ritesh said. "Sorry, I hope we didn't disturb you."

My amazing cousins finally arrived. They stood on the porch with loads of shopping bags.

Riya squealed and obviously oogled Leo.

"Who is this hot guy that you have here?" She asked. "Don't tell me that our adorable Meghana didi has a boyfriend?"

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