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We reached Andrew's home and made way to our rooms. I was trying to get rid of the chocolate stain out of my pretty dress when Leo walked in the room. He'd been on call with Alex, explaining the entire fiasco. We were discovered here as well. Our security was breached. Well, lately we did slack with our security. Leo had gotten awfully comfortable. He thought that whatever deal had with the Russian Brotherhood dealt with the DeLuca problem. He'd probably did not think that they'd double-cross him. But, that's gangster world for you. Everyone double crosses everyone.

"How're you holding up?" He asked, his dark eyes softening a little.

I've gotten used to the running away for my life thing. One of the perks of loving a bad boy, I guess. It was sweet that he was so concerned about me. But, let's just say I've learnt how to hold my own.

"Better than my dress." I showed him my utterly ruined dress with a huge brown stain right in the middle. "I should be less clumsy."

He chuckled. "I'll buy you a new one. Consider it as an apology gift from me."

I threw the dress in the laundry bin. Should've thrown it in the dustbin considering how ruined it was.

"Boy, you need to give me hundred dresses to make up for today. Your proposal sucked, okay."

Leo's face turned pale. "What are you talking about?"

I laughed. I walked to him and looped my arms around his neck. He avoided looking at me. Aww, he's embarrassed.

"Where's the ring?"

"What ring?" Suddenly he blurted, "You mean the gold engagement bands?"

I smiled. Well, he knew me so well. We are soulmates.

"How did you know about that? Did Andrew and Gigi patch up already? "

Wait what? What have they got to do with all this?

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Nico told me you were searching for rings."

Leo froze on the spot. He gently removed my arm aside. "Damn it, Nico!" He muttered under his breath. "He hacked my computer again? I swear I'll kill him."

I swear, I felt my heart stop. Please god, don't let him know I read his diary. If Leo hates anything, it is being vulnerable. Sure, he has his moments. But, he does not like those moments. I understand him. Too many emotions make me uncomfortable too. But, he's different. It's like he's afraid of feeling.

"Meg... this has all been a huge misunderstanding." Leo sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. "The ring... well..."

"It's okay if your proposal did not go according to the plan. That doesn't make me love you any less."

He awkwardly bit his lip. "The thing is... umm... how do I say this?" It was surprising to see him, the don Leo Moretti, get so tongue-tied. "So Andrew asked me to help him out... he wanted to buy this specific ring for Gigi as an apology... and he didn't know which... She'd seen this design on the internet and wanted a similar one. So, he asked me to ask her. And I lied to her that I was planning a surprise proposal and searching a ring for you. Nico happened to be there and I forgot to tell him. I didn't plan on proposing you."

I didn't plan on proposing you.

Those words hit me hard. Ouch, I swear I felt something break inside me. Yet, my heart shrugged it off. He's obviously chickening out and making a shaggy dog story.

"But the dinner and the date?"

"I wanted to spend time with you before you leave. I'd hate to interrupt you while you're working. I understand how it looks, but proposal wasn't the plan." He said. He shook his handsome head. "I mean come on, it's way too early."

I didn't know what I was feeling. Was it sadness or anger or maybe a mixture of both. I loved this stupid, inconsiderate and heartless jerk so much. I felt tears welling up. Great, just great.

"Let me get this right, so you're saying you aren't serious about me? What am I, just a fucking fling to you? And what do you mean that you never planned on proposing me? Do you not consider a future with me?"

"It's not that..." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Then what is it? You love me, don't you?"

This is breaking my heart. It's the same Samar thing all over again. I always end up getting more attached in any relationship while others don't. Why am I such a puddle of emotional mess? Can't I be like Leo, always aloof and cold. I wish I was like him ,to be able to distance myself and my emotions. But, I can't. I've had enough of this modern dating bullshit. I've had enough of trying to play it cool and hide my feelings. If I love someone, I can't hide it, I can't hide my emotions that is the way I am. It took me years to accept myself and I don't plan on changing it. Yet, at times, I wonder if this trait of mine is responsible for always making me feel emotionally hurt? Why do sensitive people always get hurt?

He raised his voice. "You're my family, okay? I don't say that lightly. Are you stupid to ask me if I love you? Can't you see for yourself? I confide in you, I seek advice from you, I show my real self to you, the part of me that I won't even show my most trusted friends. These relationship things don't come easy to me... but I try... for you. I would fucking kill for you or die for you... people don't do that for those who they do not love. So don't you dare ask me if I love you..."

His voice trembled slightly. I felt pained, I could see him struggling with his words and his emotions. He was trying, he was trying his best. But, was it enough?

I kept silent and let him speak.

He took a deep breath and steadied himself "... But, I'll be honest with you. I haven't thought about a proposal or marriage or any of those things yet. Even if I love you things like these can't be decided on a whim."

I wasn't in a mood to debate logically. He was making valid points. But screw him. I'm still not over the fact that he has second doubts about me. I mean, I would marry him at midnight if he asks me too because I know I love him and there's nothing else to know. What difference is time going to make? If you love someone, you just love them, doesn't matter how long you've known them for. He's definitely having second thoughts about me. And that realisation breaks my heart. I've been certain of my feelings for Leo. I've known I love him, I've felt my love for him so strongly. And, when you feel so strongly for someone other things don't tend to matter that much. It's painful to find out that someone doesn't love you as much as you love them.

I wanted to say something, but only incoherent sobs came out of my mouth. Ugh, screw you, you heartless asshole.

"You know what? Take all the time you wish because we're over." I blurted. I turned to leave.

"Meg... please listen to me." He gently pulled my arm. "You're completely misunderstanding me... please hear me out."

I couldn't deal with this anymore. I left for my room.


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