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All through the dinner, Leo kept on fidgeting. He glanced over my shoulders for more than fifteen times through the night. We talked but I noticed that he hadn't eaten well. Nerves maybe? I tried my best to crack lame jokes and make him open up. 

Proposals are nerve-wracking. I wish I could've told him that I knew. But, I didn't want to ruin his surprise. But, I tried my best to make things easy for him. I went to the washroom twice to touch-up my makeup. I even let him order a dessert despite being on a diet. It was the least I could do.

Our dinner went pretty well. The waiter arrived with our dessert. I tried my best to mask my excitement. Okay Meg, calm down. Keep your poker face on. Don't ruin his surprise.

The waiter placed a molten chocolate cake. The classic choice, not bad. I clicked a snap of the desert out if habit. Leo chuckled nervously. Okay here goes nothing. I grabbed the spoon to break off the piece of cake.

Leo stopped me. His hand held mine and he looked at me nervously. I've never seen him look so afraid. Was he chickening out? Oh god, he is having jitters and second-thoughts about me!

"Hey, Leo... Look at me." I turned his face towards me. "It's okay... you don't need to be afraid."


Boy he talks too much. I decided to do what they do in the movies. I reached through the table and kissed him. I felt him sigh and relax under my touch. I hope he's not that clueless to not know that this means a huge yes from me.

I felt something goopy on my dress. I break apart and notice the chocolate cake squished over my ivory coloured dress. Amazing.

Note to self, remember to shift the plate aside before kissing someone across the table.

Leo grabbed a handful of tissues and helped me wipe off the residue of cake from my dress. "Let's get it cleaned up." He said.

He literally grabbed my arms and yanked me up. Movies taught me that when your boyfriend asks you to accompany him to washroom, it is definitely for a quickie. Changing and improvising your plans, I'm impressed Leo.

I didn't even have time to react as he pushed me through the door. It wasn't the right door, he'd led us to an emergency exit instead of a washroom.

"We're heading the wrong way."

"We aren't." Leo said. "We need to leave. It's dangerous."

I fumbled on plain floor as I walked through the corridor. Damn these heels. As luck would have it, I wore my cute but uncomfortable heels tonight.

"What happened?"

"DeLuca has us surrounded. We need to escape."

Stealthily, Leo removed a pair of bobby pins from his jacket. He asked me to hold one of it.

Wait, what guy carries around two bobby pins?

"What's that for?"

"Hush, are you trying to get us killed?" He silenced me.

I whispered a sorry.

"You need two bobby pins to break a lock." He answered in a muffed tone.

"But in movies they do it with one." I said.

I observed Leo trying to get the heart of the lock. His ear to the door trying to figure out what makes it click. I won't lie, it's kind of hot. My attraction to bad boys is beyond limit. And, I'm officially problematic.

"Give me the other one." He said.

He took the bobby pin from my hands and jammed it in the lock, below the other bobby pin. He pushed it, making the metal curve. With a few sharp twists, the lock gave out a metallic clink.

He pushed the door open. I got out and he followed me. "Hurry to the car." He said. "The lock is broken, they'll figure out it was us.

I ran towards his car and swiftly he followed me. I noticed he had his hand firmly on the hilt of his gun. He had killer reflexes for sure.

We got in the car and drove away.

In the car, I took deep breaths to calm my panting. This is what happens when you slack in your workout routine. I glanced down and noticed the huge stain of cake on my dress. My feet were swollen and blistered due to the uncomfortable shoes.

"Way to ruin a proposal."

"What?" Leo blurted. His dark eyes widened with wonder.

He really did not know that I know of his plans. I guess whatever his plan was, it was already ruined. There's no point hiding it now.

"I know you were planning to propose me." I said.

Leo almost severed a crash.

Remind me next time to not blurt such stuff when he's driving for both of our safety.

"What proposal?"

Nice acting buddy, you can't fool me. Sure your impeccable jawline and handsome face might fool others, but they won't fool me.

I simply smirked at him.

"Let's talk about this when we get home."


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