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We went back to the Moretti Mansion. I was strolling the garden aimlessly trying to figure out something. Everyone was doing something or the other back in the mansion. Alex along with Leo's dad and other members of the Moretti family were discussing the issue. Amy was having a video call with Valeria, discussing and trying to find a solution for this problem. Even Emily was helping Leo's mom make and serve coffee to everyone. Only I was being useless and roaming around.

"Here." Nico said, handing me a mug of steaming coffee. "You look like you can use it."

I thanked him. "So, what is the situation?"

Nico shrugged. "They found Leo's finger prints on a crime scene. He was framed because they found it on drugs. I mean we are no saints but drugs is something we don't do. Especially not him."

"So how can we get Leo out?" I asked.

"It will be tough." Nico said. "It might be a court case."

Something about this did not go right with me. I recalled that I tried to go to police station to lodge a complaint against Leo. But, I was kicked out and Leo was informed about it. He also told they have an 'arrangement' with the police. Clearly there was more to this. Someone was framing Leo but it was clearly someone who had as much or even more influence than Leo did. And, there weren't many people who could rival Leo Moretti's influence or connections.

"Could DeLuca have something to do with this?" It suddenly struck me. "I mean they have a rivalry with us and it is quite personal ever since Bianca incident."

Nico cracked a devilish smirk. "That was some don level thinking." He said. "And did you just say us? Already considering yourself a Moretti huh?"

I felt my cheeks heat up. Not that I considered myself a Moretti but Leo and his family had made me feel like their own, so much so that I never really felt as if they weren't my family.

I didn't want to tell Nico all that; he would tease me endlessly. Instead, I moved to check the roses. Those beautiful rose plants were planted and raised by Leo. He loved gardening so much. If he had a choice, he would've left this bloody business and just farm and grow plants all day. He even had a green thumb, whatever he would sow would grow and flourish like anything.

Nico was called away by someone. He hurried and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I checked my phone. There were a string of text messages and miscalls from Samar. He saw me at the police station and wondered what and texted to see what was wrong. I told him I was fine and I'd accompanied Leo as he had some work. I did not tell him much. For all I know, my phone correspondences could be tapped by the police.

"Meg." Nico arrived, rushing out in the garden. "Come here."

His tone was urgent. I followed him. He, Alex and a few other capos of Moretti family were surrounded there.

"It was DeLuca..." Alex said. "He did it. I have an informant who claims that. "

"Meg figured it out." Nico said.

"Then this girl is smarter than most of you." Leo's father, spoke.

He came leaning on his stick. Even when he was weak, he commanded an immense level of respect from everyone.

He came and stood besides me.

"Since you suspected DeLuca, why don't you tell us what should be done first?" Mr. Moretti asked me.

How the fuck was I supposed to have any clue what must be done? I'm a simple girl, a smart and sassy and extremely hot girl but a simple girl nonetheless. I did not have this brain for mafia games or whatever it was that these folks did. But the way Mr. Moretti's eyes scrutinised me, I couldn't fail. Okay Meg breathe... what would they do in the movies?

"Umm I don't know... First, I'd find from the informant which officers framed Leo and why. If someone has arrested Leo, they're making a statement to get our attention. If we can find what and why they want it maybe we can strike a deal with them."

Mr. Moretti smiled. He gave me an appraising look.

Bingo, it was the right answer then.

"You heard the girl, now get to work." Mr. Moretti said.

"DeLuca manipulated certain officers whose colleagues were killed by us during a shootout." Alex said. "He is milking their personal vengeance."

"Good." Mr. Moretti said. "Go and find more." He dismissed Alex.

I was there sitting next to him, drinking my another cup of coffee. I had lost count of how many coffees I had guzzled in this stress.

Everyone else was working. I was with Leo's father.

"You took a bullet for Leo... If there is someone I trust with this, it is you." Mr. Moretti said. "So don't take this the wrong way. But I've found that someone betrayed us from your side."

"Huh?" Okay, what the heck? Who from my side would betray me and Leo?

"Someone got his fingerprints from you." Mr. Moretti said. "Had it been someone else, I'd have suspected them. But I trust you... you got shot for him, I see that you love him and you will not betray him."

"I don't think anyone from my side would've betrayed Leo."

Mr. Moretti took an iPad from the table. He scrolled it and showed me a video clip. I was shocked. This couldn't be true.

"Do you know this man, Meg?"

I could barely nod a yes. This... this... this could not be true. I felt like the earth had been slipped beneath my feet. This was wild, this was crazy.

"That is Samar." I said. "I dated him once long ago."


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