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Samar had betrayed me. Now that I look back and think about it, it makes sense. Samar lied to me, he hadn't left the department. He was working undercover and I just realised that his mission was to catch Leo. He found out I was dating Leo, so he got close to me in an attempt to get close to him. That was the reason why he roamed around my home. I realised he must've taken Leo's old phone or his gun that I had lying in my room. Ugh, I felt so stupid at this. My boyfriend was caught because of my shitty ex. I was to be blamed and now I could do nothing about it.

Others were thinking about their plan of action. Now that all the players were discovered they were planning what to do with them. I was so angry. I felt foolish that I trusted Samar. It was because of my stupidity that Leo was in jail.

The problem was The Morettis were facing a two sided attack. DeLuca had declared an all out war against us. And Leo was imprisoned as well. This was a bad situation. Leo's dad was old and they had no capable leader. One thing was for sure, we needed Leo back. The problem was how to get Leo back.

Alex was going through the case. I joined him to see if I could help. So far, I hadn't been of much help except to provide colourful and cute stationary.

"This is horrible." Alex sighed. "I can't find any loophole that will help us get Leo out. They have a fingerprint and it is solid evidence. This is bad Meg, this is bad."

"No offence, but do you have to go the legal way? Can't you guys bribe or intimidate someone and get Leo released?"

Alex chuckled, "It isn't that easy. It doesn't work like that."

I glanced at the clock, it was way way late at night. From the corner of the room, I noticed Amy eyeing him. The two of them had reconciled their romance and I couldn't be happier. Alex gave her an apologetic sigh. Apparently, he had to disappoint her as he was busy tonight.

I miss my boyfriend. I wonder what Leo must be doing. The custody room was awful. I wish he was here so I could hold him close. I'd been single for a long time and had gotten used to the comfort of sleeping alone. But now I'd gotten used to with Leo being with me. Having his arms wrapped around me was comforting. The bed felt too cold and too empty without him. Damn, I wish he'd be released out.

"We can do something illegal too." Alex said. "We can find someone's random DNA or fingerprint and put it on the crime scene say that there was an error and thus release Leo."

"Will that work?"

Alex shrugged, "We might be framing an innocent person. It is bad but desperate times, desperate measures."

Suddenly, I had the most evil idea ever. "Actually, I just know the person." I said. "I just need the car."

I grabbed my phone, texted Samar to meet me for a cup of coffee. He framed my boyfriend and I was getting back to him.


I had no clue that my crazy sounding plan would work. Samar suspected nothing, I got his finger print. I gave it to Alex who had it planted. It worked because Samar was already a corrupt cop. He was taken in custody and Leo was released. He would be home this afternoon. The entire Moretti mansion was busy celebrating and preparing for it.

I was in the garden, staring at pink roses. I was plucking the so I could keep it in his room. He loved flowers in his room.

"You were good." He said. "You have a keen eye for detail."

"Just one the side effects of being a wedding planner." I said as I plucked a pink rose.

"I need your help." He said. "Even though Leo is being released, troubles are far from over. The DeLuca issue needs to be sorted. For that, I've kept a meeting of mafia families. Will you help me that?"

"I will." I said. "But to be honest I don't think I'd be of much use in it."

Okay what was even a mafia meeting anyway? I had no clue. But it must be something that Leo once told me. Where all the stuffy oldies come together and discuss business.

"I want you to be our official consiglieri."

I laughed. It was a nice joke. But then, I noticed his serious expression. Okay, this was strange. I agree I did a few smart things but I was nowhere as good in this stuff as Nico or even Alex. Hell, Amy was better than me.

"Think about it." He said. "I need someone who believes in Leo, and who better than you."

Did I really have an option then? It was for Leo. I had to do it.

"I'll do it."

I had agreed to attend a mafia meeting as a consiglieri, what is wrong with me?



Sorry for the extremely long gap. I was busy with my other writing work and my projects. 

I hope you guys are safe in this COVID-19 outbreak. Please stay at home and stay safe everyone. 

Also, I'll be updating more soon now that I have some time. 

Thank you for being so patient. Mostly this story would have a couple more updates. 

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