Callum Ilott

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The Ferrari Academy was my new home, quite literally. I had an internship there, working as a social media manager. Basically, I had to arrange interviews and videos for the boys AND girl, the incredible Maya.

We had a quick meeting about the following week, that consisted about me explaining everyone what the plans were.

"So the first event is only on Wednesday, we'll do a quick Q&A, and I was thinking we could do Robert and Marcus? You haven't been in a video for long. Maybe also Maya and Logan. On Thursday you'll all go for a karting event in the evening, where you'll meet little kids, be nice to them okay?" I asked and got a few chuckles in return. " On Friday nothing happens, then on Saturday we party."

"Party?" Asked Arthur. "Like, party party?"

"Party party" I laughed. "It's a charity event, you'll have to show up basically, and that's it. You'll do some interviews there, talking about poverty, but only if you want to, if you don't feel comfortable about public speaking, that's okay. But there's an after party" I smirked. "And all of you are invited, of course."


"Do we leave our stuff here?" Asked Callum, as the drivers finished the day on Friday. I'd just arrived to collect the boys, and watched as some of their heads turned to me, making me smile a little. They'd never seen me in clothes other than the Ferrari T-shirt and jeans before.

"Yeah we'll come back after the afterparty anyways" said Marcus.

"Kylie! You look great!" Said Arthur and quickly hugged me. We were friends of course, he had a gorgeous girlfriend.

"Right back at you guys, I'd never seen you all dressed up."

My gaze caught Callum's and I quickly turned away, blushing. It wasn't something I could explain, I mean, he wasn't really my type. I honestly thought there were people way better looking than him, and still... I was attracted. Don't get me wrong, I know he's good looking, just not the type I usually go for... but when he smiles, my insides melt.

We all got into cars, driven by some designated drivers who were arranged just for us. I was sitting next to Callum, and I hated it. We were in the backseat, and I was squished between the window and him. Our legs touched and I felt like I wanted to just jump out. But I also felt something that never happened before. I wanted to put my legs over his lap and pull him close to me, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him on the spot, and never let him go. My mind was racing along with my heart.

"Are you okay?" I heard a soft voice mumbling into my left ear, which only made matters worse.

"Yeah" I nodded, and tried to show a reassuring smile, but I failed when my eyes met his, and I realised how close our faces were. Shit.

He smiled softly, and I had to stop the shiver running through my body. He was making me completely crazy, and it was surprising. I always felt attracted to him, but never this much. It was like I was under some spell.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, laughing a little.

Yes, dumbass, I'm just crushing hard on you.

"Of course" I said, and turned away, to press my head to the cold window. Which was a mistake, by the way, because I had quite the amount of makeup on, so I quickly pulled my head back, but that resulted in me head banging Callum.

"Wow, you hate me that much?" He asked, and I turned, to see him holding his cheek. Something broke inside and I cracked up. Two seconds later I was laughing hysterically.

"Is everything okay?" Asked Marcus from next to Callum.

"Yeah sure, she just head banged me for no reason" said Callum, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

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