Max Verstappen

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The weather was horrible, the asphalt was slimy and the humidity was crazy. The cars were slipping every now and then, but the race was going with full power.

Luckily, there weren't any serious accidents. Until the last lap.

"Verstappen and Hamilton head to head, hopefully they won't crash, and they take the turn successfully, but Hamilton is on the inside, he takes the lead, there's only a few corners left, and THEY MAKE CONTACT! THERE'S CONTACT AND VERSTAPPEN IS OFF-ROAD!"

My heart stopped beating for a few seconds, and I shut my eyes closed. The next thing I saw was Max in the wall. His car in pieces, and I couldn't see him anywhere. There wasn't any closeup.

There was no need for the ambulance to take him to the hospital. He didn't have a pulse.


"Ari, are you okay?" Asked my friend, as we were walking through the airport. We were all visiting Max, who was a part of the friendship group, and we were watching his race. But my mind was still full of that horrible dream I had.

"Yeah sure, I just couldn't get any sleep last night" I slightly lied. But it was a white lie though, so nothing wrong, right?

We got our stuff from baggage reclaim and ordered a few taxis to get to the hotel we were staying at. I was absent minded through the whole journey. I only started getting back to Earth when we left the hotel again to go and see Max before his first free practice on track. He was a close friend to all of us, so everyone was hyped, and I almost forgot the dream I had.

But when we walked into the paddocks and I saw Max, it all came back.

"Guys!" He shouted and ran to us, embracing all of us one by one. He shot a confused look at me, but hugged me anyways. "Everything okay?"

"Sure" I mumbled. We all made small talk, but Max had to go soon to gear up, so the group started to walk away. I looked back at Max, who was sending us one last smile before walking back into the garage.

"Uh guys... I'll be right back" I said, and took off, running back to Max. He wasn't expecting me, so he was taken aback by me running into him and hugging him again, this time much tighter and closer to me.

"Hey, Ari... what's wrong?" He asked, as he carefully hugged me back with one hand, and with the other he stroked my hair.

"I just..." I mumbled, looking up to him. "I had a very bad dream, and I can't stop thinking about it."

"What bad dream?" He asked worriedly. I was glad he wasn't making fun of me or anything.

"You... you crashed and... you didn't make it" I said, staring into his deep blue eyes. A smile appeared on his face for a millisecond, but it disappeared just as quickly.

"Ari..." he said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm here, and I'm alive, okay?" He said, and grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna be okay, I promise. Thanks for worrying, though" he smiled, letting go of my hand.

"Yeah" I mumbled. "Okay one last hug" I said and once again buried my face into his chest. I heard him chuckle a little, and then I let him go.

"You're cute, you know" he said, shocking me. "How you care about me and all."

"Max I've always cared about you, we've been friends for years."

"I know, I know" he said, putting his hands up. "I'll be okay."

He kissed me on the cheek, which surprised me for real, and I was frozen for a second, but then I smiled and walked away.

The whole weekend was off somehow. Not for Max, he was doing awesome. But I was feeling... different. I kept thinking about Max, and my thoughts started to turn into ones I'd never had before about him. And it bothered me.

On Sunday, before the race, when we were all wishing good luck to Max, I was left to be the last, and my friends told me they'll be waiting at the stands, which made me realise that they weren't blind and saw the nature of mine and Max's relationship change as well.

"You've been quite distant lately..." said Max softly.

"Lately?" I asked.

"These two days..."

"I didn't mean to" I said, and looked him in the eyes. I sighed and hugged him, which he returned immediately.

"Do I get a good luck kiss?" He asked boldly, surprising me once again. I pulled away and grinned. I kissed him quickly on the cheek, but he shook his head.

"What?" I asked. He took a step closer and held my hand in his.

"That's not the type of kiss I had in mind." Our faces were only inches away, and I couldn't bear it anymore, I closed the gap, and our lips met, moving in sync, while we both held each other as close as possible. He was the one to pull away first.

"So you're telling me that all these years I had you right in front of me and haven't even thought about asking you out, and then literally under two days, I'm convinced that I'm gonna marry you?"

I had to giggle, and I pulled him back close.

"At first don't die on the track, and then we'll see" I said, kissing him again.

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