Dennis Hauger

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This is not a request, and it's quite long, but recently I've lost motivation to write anything and I needed to come back to my one shots to do some guilty pleasure writing all for myself😂 hope you still like it tho

I might rewrite this one because I was falling asleep, while I was writing the second half✌️

Meet you in 10


I'll be there at your house

I won't let you in!

Pretty please?


Dennis Hauger was truly something else. He'd been trying to get with me forever, and didn't accept no for an answer. He was too much of a gentleman to force anything, but he was truly consistent. Something he probably learned from racing so much.

When he said "meet you in 10" I really thought he was just joking. But he wasn't. I heard some noises coming from the outside. Dennis lived only a street away. And our families knew each other, so even though we were never incredibly close, he'd always been a part of my life.

"Shit, Dennis!" I whisper yelled and opened my window. I was living on the ground floor so he didn't need to pull a Romeo and climb up. I reluctantly opened the window and he climbed in. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, laughing.

"I've just come to hang out" he said with a pout.

He looked somewhat... cute.

"How was practice?" I asked.

"Amazing" he smirked. "I was on the sim today... it's looking good."

"I'm glad" I smiled.

"Uh... I've been thinking..."

"I swear, Hauger, if you're asking me out again..."

He let out a sad chuckle, then looked back at me.

"I know you'd say no, don't worry." I was kind of feeling sorry for him. "I uh... do you maybe want to come to Sochi with me?"

"What? Sochi??" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah... listen, this is not a date. Just to be clear. I just kinda wish you were there. And you can bring someone else too, so you wouldn't be alone when I'm occupied."

"Okay can I bring-"

"If you're going to say Tommy boy, I swear I'll rip your tickets into two" he said with annoyance in his voice. "Tommy boy" a.k.a. Thomas was the guy I'd been crushing on forever. And we started talking finally. He seemed interested.

"Okay, not him then... but wait, you already have the tickets?"

"Yeah I-"

"Marie! Are you in there?" I heard the unmistakable voice of my dear father. My eyes widened and I looked at Dennis in horror.

"I'm naked, dad!" I yelled.

"What the hell? I thought I saw Dennis climb through the window! If you're having sex I'll kill you both!" He yelled. My panic disappeared and it was replaced with disbelief.

"Dad what?! You saw Dennis climb in and didn't do anything??" I asked. "I'm not naked by the way, and we're NOT having sex!"

My dad cautiously opened the door and peaked in, then entered.

"Hello son" he said, nodding at Dennis.

"Uh... hi" said Dennis awkwardly.

"Did you need anything?" I asked my dad.

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