Lando Norris

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Me and Lando weren't together for long, when I was already introduced to the paddock. It was a little tricky, we didn't want the media to really see us. We had no problem with becoming public, but we tried to avoid as much hype as we could.

I was a music artist with a smaller number of fans, but it was enough to make me used to being in the limelight.

The first person I got to know was Carlos.

"Well finally I see you in person!" Said Carlos, embracing me immediately. I smiled at him, remembering all the times we'd already face-timed through Lando.

"You too. Especially because I practically know you pretty well already" I laughed.

The next step was a couple of people at once. Charles, George, Pierre and Antonio were all talking together when Lando dragged me to them.

"Hey guys" he said, and I immediately saw their eyes travel to our intertwined hands.

"Lando!" Said George enthusiastically, and smiling at me.

"This is Petra, my girlfriend."

"No way, did I hear this right?" Asked Charles looking around at the others.

"Great to meet you all" I smiled and George was first to come and shake my hand. Due to COVID we weren't allowed to hug or kiss on the cheek.

"Is he paying you?" He asked laughing.

"Nope, Lando got me all with his manly charm" I said, making the others laugh.

"Have you met our girlfriends?" Asked Charles.

"No, not yet."

"I bet you'd become great friends!" Said Lando, but he was already dragging me away from them, telling them that we needed to be somewhere else. "Seriously, the girls are nice but these guys were just about to roast the hell out of me" he said, laughing a little.

Lando was the best thing that had ever happened to me. He made me happy and I could see that I was having the same effect on him as well.

"Hey Max!" He yelled and seconds later we arrived to the Red Bull garage, in which I saw Max with Kelly and her kid.

"Lando! And who's the lovely lady by your side?"

"This is Petra, my girlfriend." It still sent me chills. Knowing that I was his and he was only mine.

"Wow! Finally giving up the single life I see" laughed Max. "Come and meet Penelope, I don't think you have yet!"

He was so nice, introducing me to Kelly, then to his step-daughter. I even got to hold her, which made me extremely happy. Something about holding a kid is just incredible. I shared a smile with Lando who also came close to us and played with Penelope.

A year later

I was constantly surrounded by kids. Kelly and I became close friends, and often, during race weekends when Kelly also had other things to do, and no one was at home to take care of Penelope, I babysat her, maybe accompanied by Charlotte, Charles' girl.

I also became an aunt, because my sister had her first baby boy, and I spent quite some time with him.

I also met Seb's, Checo's and Kimi's kids, and I became an F1 meme. I was the F1 babysitter.

So naturally, I was starting to have thoughts about having my own kids. And as for the father, obviously my choice was Lando, as my boyfriend. Only I had no idea about his thoughts on the topic.

For once, I was joining him for his race, and I had my sister and her kid with me as well, which resulted in me and Lando playing with my nephew a lot.

A camera clicked and literally five minutes later the following article came out:

Lando Norris is playing with his secret son


I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

Lando had to quickly do a stream where he explained that it was just my nephew and we didn't secretly have a kid.

"You know the chat said today that we'd be great parents anyways" he said once we were back on the track.

"Yeah?" I asked smiling. "They probably wouldn't mind seeing a little Norris running around."

"Maybe I wouldn't either" he admitted making my eyes go wide.

"You want a kid?"

"Maybe not right now, but in the close future?" He asked. I smiled at him and kissed him quickly.

"I've been thinking about it lately" I admitted. "So yeah... maybe some time in the close future..."

"We're going to be parents" squealed Lando, making me melt at him and kiss him again.

"Excuse me but what?" I heard a deep voice and saw Carlos standing right next to us. "Are you pregnant, Petra?"

I shared a look with Lando and we broke out laughing at the same time.

"Not yet" I said.

"Yet?" Asked Carlos with a small smile.

"Yeah... we want kids, just not right now" said Lando, still keeping me close to him.

"Soon" I nodded.

"But I'll be the godfather, right?" Asked Carlos, folding his arms.

"Obviously, Uncle Chilli!"

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