Mick Schumacher

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I've been friends with Mick for a while. We met because of Robert, whose mother is great friends with mine. Me and Robert started hanging out a few years ago, and luckily, we were both already in a relationship, so there was no awkwardness, and our friendship could develop in a very healthy way. And also because of that, we only ever stayed friends, and today he's like a brother to me. But about a year ago he introduced me to some of his own friends, and we became a big friendship group, and I loved spending time with them, and watching them race.

Especially Mick. The moment I met him, there was something different about him but I couldn't even tell Robert. Mick had a girlfriend anyways.


We were all at Callum's house, waiting for Mick to arrive, so we could start game night. He was with his girlfriend, out on a date.

He finally arrived, and we all cheered, but the expression on his face shut us all up at once.

"What happened?" Asked Callum.

"I uh..." started Mick, and I could see that he was about to break, and it hurt me physically.

"Hey come and sit" said Robert, walking up to Mick, handing him a drink and bro hugging him. Mick slowly made it to one of the couches, sat down and looked at us.

"She cheated."

We all shared a confused look.

"But I though it was going well?" Asked Marcus.

"Yeah I thought too" shrugged Mick.

"That bitch" I mumbled and the others sent me a sad smile, but Mick was too crushed obviously.

"More than once" added Mick, surprising us even more.

"So did you guys break up?" Asked Robert.

"Yeah, she told me and then we both agreed that we wouldn't work out anymore."

"Hey she's the one loosing you not the way around okay, man?" Said Marcus, and we all started trash talking Kate, who was the girlfriend.

I stood up quietly and walked to the other room to take my phone out. Me and Kate weren't exactly friends, but we were always nice to each other.

Sophia: hey. Mick just arrived. I don't really get it, what went wrong?

She replied almost instantly.

Kate: hi. We fell out of love

Sophia: so you cheated?

Kate: I know it's wrong. It was a drunken mistake, and I cant undo it. I feel terrible, but at least we got out of a relationship neither of us were committed to anymore

Sophia: he was...

Kate: he stopped telling me he loved me, and neither of us really saw a future together... listen, you can hate me, I deserve it, and I'm honestly disappointed in myself as well, but I know you love Mick so...

Sophia: he's my friend, whose relationship just ended

Kate: just be there for him

Sophia: I will

I walked back to see the guys talking around the coffee table, while Mick was lying across the couch, his face hidden in pillows. My heart broke.

"Where were you?" Asked Robert.

"I got a call" I said, and sat down next to him. The boys kept talking and I sneakily showed Robert the conversation I just had with Kate. He raised a brow and looked at Mick sadly.

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