Liam Lawson

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"No wait for me" said Liam, as we were walking to his apartment, where I was supposed to spend the night along with some of our other friends.

The only problem was, that we got lost in the city and got into bar, where we got a tiny bit tipsy...

"Our friends are waiting for us, Liam!"

"They've waited hours, they can wait two extra minutes, so we don't have to go all Usain Bolt!"

I sighed and waited for Liam to catch up. On top of everything, it was raining outside, and we were very much outside, so we were also soaked. And our friends, who had a key to Liam's apartment, were there, in the warmth.

"You're freezing" he stated, touching my ice cold arm.

"Yeah that's why we should hurry" I pointed out.

"Come on" he said, and held me close to him, which made me shiver. His being so close was definitely doing some things to me. We were just friends... friends who kissed twice on parties, but that was it. Just old friends.

"God, you're shaking" he said, holding me even closer. But I wasn't shaking because of the cold, it was because of him. Being alone with him, in the rain, with a little alcohol in my system... it made me fantasise about things...

"I'm fine" I muttered. We finally made it to his apartment, where our friends were already waiting with hot chocolate, towels and dry clothes. Well, for Liam it was easy, but I got a shirt and sweats from him as well.

"Looking good" he said, once he saw me in his clothes and wet hair. His wet hair was pretty much a turn on for me, and I almost couldn't stop myself from touching it.

We all sat down in the living room to have a movie night, but soon enough the guys left, and it was only me, Liam, and Ken, who lived in the same direction as me, and was sober to drive home.

"So... Liv, you coming?" He asked, and I shared a long look with Liam, who was standing right next to me, sending chills down my spine once again.

"You can stay" he whispered.

"Yeah" I said, looking back at Ken. "No, I mean, my clothes are still in the dryer , I'll wait for them and then get a taxi or something..."

"Are you sure?" Asked Ken, but he was smiling a little, knowing about my insane crush on Liam.


Ken said goodbye, so it was only the two of us.

"Wanna watch another movie?" He asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged, sitting down on his sofa. He sat down right in front of me, and was about to say something, when I got a notification from my sister.

Clothes fitting on Tuesday


"What?" Asked Liam, being amused by my reaction.

"Uh you know, my sister's getting married" I said with an eye roll. "And I'm going to be a bridesmaid, so I have to go to the clothes fitting."

"You want me to come with you?" He asked. The question surprised me, I mean... everyone would think he was my boyfriend, which he sadly wasn't.

"Thanks, but I have to deal with all that craziness on my own."

He smiled at me softly, and took my hand into his, which, once again, sent shocks up and through my whole body.

"Why do I get a feeling you don't like your sister getting married?"

"It's not that... I just, I don't think he's good enough for her. They're so young! And they've been dating for only a few months!"

"That doesn't mean they weren't made for each other" shrugged Liam. "I mean, my uncle married his wife when he was 18 and they're still together and in love. My parents were also teenagers when they met."

"Yeah but that concept is just so mad! How are you supposed to know who you're going to marry when you're merely an adult?"

"You just know sometimes" said Liam, staring at me.

"Speaking from experience?" I asked as a joke.

But he wasn't taking it as a joke.

"Actually, yes."

"What? You know who you want to marry?"




My eyes went wide and I only stared at him for long seconds.

"Liam... we're not even together!"

"We've kissed before" he shrugged.

"Yeah, when we were drunk!"

"We weren't the first time."

"But that doesn't mean we have to get married" I said, almost laughing a little.

"Who else would I marry?"

"The girl you'll fall in love with?" I asked, like I was stating the obvious. He was still holding my hands, and his eyes were staring intensely into mine. "Liam..."

"No Liv, just listen. We've been friends for a while. I know everything about you, even the gross and weird things, and I still love you." He said it. I repeat, he said it. "Seeing you in my clothes right now... I can't even begin to describe how you make me feel. I just want you by my side for the rest of my life."

I was silent for quite some time. I could see that he was getting scared and I knew I'd have to come up with something quickly.

"Liam... do you maybe... want to be my date to the wedding?"

"Uh... yeah" he said, seemingly disappointed that I just ignored that he confessed he was in love with me.

"I want to introduce you to my family" I said with a soft smile. "Plus it's practice, half the guests are going to be at our wedding too anyways."

Liam nodded, but he only realised what I'd just said seconds later. And then his eyes went wide and he lifted his hand up to my face to caress it.

"Aren't we too young?" He asked with a wide smile.

"One day" I said, linking our fingers together.

"Wait... you're not just saying that because you're drunk, right?" He asked, the smile suddenly gone from his face.

"Liam... I never was. We were only tipsy in the bar, which was hours ago. I'm completely sober."

As a response, he leaned closer, staring at my lips, and once he was close enough, he looked back up into my eyes to ask permission. I nodded and he placed his lips on mine, sending me on Cloud 9.

"So, you're my future wife, that's decided" he said, once he pulled back. "But what are you now?"

"Uh..." I shrugged. "We're pretty much a couple already. I mean, I'm even wearing your clothes" I said, laughing and showing his the shirt I had on.

"Yeah" he said, smiling. "So you'll introduce me to your family as your boyfriend?"

"If that's what you want as well."

He kissed me again, and then leaned his forehead against mine.

"It's what I've been wanting for ages."

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