Mick Schumacher (request)

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36. Can you come over? I don't want to be alone right now.

43. You're my special person.

Me and Mick were inseparable.

We met at a karting race, when I was ten and he was eleven. Being the only girl at the competition, I got some extra attention from people. And when Michael Schumacher says you're good, you're good.

Except, I had to stop karting when I turned fourteen. I got into an accident. I was rock climbing with my family when my equipment had a failure and I almost died, but one last rope that tangled into my leg saved me. My leg broke, along with some other body parts, and even though, after a while I was allowed to go back to racing, I wasn't in my top form anymore. So instead, I went to study journalism, to become a sports journalist.

And my friendship with Mick remained. My accident happened not long after Michael's accident so both of us were quite depressed during those times, but we got through it together. He became my rock.

And when he got into F1, I was his number one supporter.

"Where is he?" Asked Corinna, his mother, as we were watching Mick's race together from her house. She was alone, and I was alone, and neither of us could travel to the race, so we decided to just watch it together on the TV.

"It's sad to see him being lapped" said Corinna.

"I know" I sighed. "But he's already proving himself. He'll get into a better team with time, I just know it."

"It's nice to see you still supporting him, you know" she admitted.

"I'll always support him" I shrugged.

Corinna stood up and brought me the tea she'd just made.

"Are you sure you don't have any feelings for him?"

The question always surprised me, because every time I answered it, I hoped I could make it believable.

"You've asked that like a hundred times" I protested.

"And you've lied about it about a hundred times!" She laughed.

"Why are you so convinced that I'm in love with Mick?"

She only smiled for a while. She stood up again and looked for something at her shelf.

"I'll show you after the race" she said, still smiling. I was extremely curious, and the race we were watching was quite boring, so it wasn't taking my mind off of it.

Finally the race ended, and Mick finished P19. We weren't happy, but we were obviously still proud. There wasn't much he could do about it.

"So... what did you want to show me?" I asked.

"Right" she said, laughing. She took her phone out first, and sat next to me. "You've seen this video right?" She asked. And she played me a video of me and Mick.

It was right after his F2 race in Sochi, when he won. I was travelling with Corinna, to see him race, so I was there in person to support him. And after he was greeted by his team, and he took off his helmet, he spotted us, and ran up to us. Corinna was recording, so she got it all on camera. Mick stopped right in front of me and picked me up, spinning me around.

"I'm leading" he announced, but I already knew. I just smiled at him, as he put me down. I lifted my hand up and ruffled his hair.

"I knew you'd do it, champ" I said. I remembered all that. I was so proud of him I almost kissed him.

"Yeah I remember that" I said, looking at Corinna, still confused. "So that was when you decided I was in love with him?"

"Yes" she said, and walked back to the shelf, taking an old VHS cassette out and walking back to the TV.

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