Max Fewtrell

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So Max is not in any of the series currently, but I love him regardless😍
It'd been three months since I had moved in to the apartment next to Lando and Max's.

First time I met them was when I couldn't open a can.

I knocked on the door, slight anxiety overcoming me. It opened, and I was met with a very familiar face.

"Hey?" He asked.

"Hi. I'm uh... Lisa. Your new neighbour."

"Oh yeah, hey. I knew someone was moving next to us. What's up?"

"Well... I don't have a can opener" I said, laughing a little.

"Oh that's okay, come in" smiled the guy, and in that moment I realised who he was.

"I know who you are" I said a little awkwardly.

"Oh... You watch motorsports?" He asked.

"Yeah. Pity that you're not competing this year" I said and Max shrugged.

"It's okay, I'm a full time Twitch streamer now" he said, laughing.

He opened the can for me and eventually we ended up eating at my place together. He was on his own anyways, Lando was away, on a race weekend.

"Boys!" I said, barging into their apartment.

"What's up, Lis?" Asked Lando, smiling at me.

"I need help."

"What's wrong?"

"I need a new Instagram profile pic."

"Are you serious?" Asked Max, laughing.

"Yeah!" I said, folding my arms.

"So we need to take a picture of you then?" Asked Lando.

"Noo, I already have a few, I just need you to tell me which one is the best!"

"Alright, show them" said Max and we all sat down on their couch, and I took my phone out to show the pictures to them.

"These are fire!" Said Lando, and I smiled.

"I like this one, you're smiling!" Said Max

"Yeah, but I'm not looking into the camera" I argued.

"Ooh you look like you're ready to kill on this one" laughed Lando.

"Still beautiful tho" said Max, and my stomach did a backflip.

"Obviously, but I like the smiling one the best" said Lando.

"Yeah me too" agreed Max. "You have a nice smile."

"Thanks" I smiled, and hoped I wasn't as red as a tomato.

"Wanna do a stream with us?" Asked Lando, once I set my new picture.

"Sure" I smiled.

We all went into the streaming room, and I sat down between the two boys.

"Guuuuuuys I'm cold" I whined and a second later a jumper was thrown on me. "Thanks" I smiled sweetly at Lando, and put on his merch jumper.

"Okay let's start" said Max and we started the Twitch stream.

"Hey guys I'm here with Max, and our friend Lisa, who you all know already" said Lando, looking at us.

"Hey" I said, smiling into the camera.

The comments were already running, most of them pointing out that I was wearing Lando's jumper.

"Yeah it's his, I was cold" I said, laughing. "And Lando's a gentleman, of course."

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