Chapter 17

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Gabby’s POV:

I just stood there staring straight at him, unable to move. It was like he was a snake and if I took my eyes off him for one second he would snap. I was petrified waiting for the moment that I would inevitably have to talk to him.

What was I supposed to say?

 I’m sorry for falling for Wes? Nope. Because I wasn’t even in the slightest bit sorry, I felt bad of course for playing with Drew’s feelings like that but I wasn’t sorry for being in love with Wes.

Everything’s going to be okay? Wrong again. By the look on his face it didn’t look like this was going to be easy.

I bit my lip, feeling completely out of words for the first time in my life. All it took was that lip bite for Drew to snap and walk off in the other direction, away from us…away from me, away from everything.

“Drew wait!!” I blurted out. My legs seemed to know what they were doing as they ran after him, the rest of me however felt completely clueless as to why I was running after him. Sure I mean I wanted to explain, but how?! “I can explain!!” I screamed after him.

Wait what? No I couldn’t…I had no idea how to explain, what the hell was wrong with me?!

He turned around suddenly and I braced myself for the cold harsh words that were bound to be flung at me.

“I don’t need you to explain…I get it! The night of the bonfire you realised you were falling for Wesley, I could see it in your eyes when you looked over at him. Then when he was by your side at the hospital it clicked that you had fallen in love with him, and then of course he couldn’t contain himself when you told him and well here we are now! I get it, you love him. And I will never blame you for that, but I just can’t handle this right now I’m sorry!!” he cried and started to walk off again.

I just stood there blinking like an idiot because of how stunned I was. Basically he was spot on.

“Drew please…” I whimpered, feeling the tears coming on. He stopped but didn’t turn around, unable to look me in the eyes when he said it.

“I love you Gabby and I fear that I always will, which is why I’m doing the right thing here by walking away…”

That’s it. I’m done.

I broke down on the spot unable to stop the emotions from attacking me.

Wes wrapped his arms tightly around me from behind and pulled me to his chest where I sobbed my eyes out.

I’d hurt Drew, I really had and here he was walking away trying to pretend as if we never happened.

The body shaking sobs that were racking through me intensified as I started to feel guilty at the fact that I was crying and Drew was being the strong one here.

Wes stroked my hair murmuring something that I didn’t catch, but just the sound of his voice was soothing enough for me. He was so good to me, no matter how much I hurt him while I was with Drew he was here by my side through it all.

“Don’t cry…please…” Drew pleaded, since my face was buried in Wes’ shirt I hadn’t noticed him walk back to us. I broke apart from Wes to look at Drew cautiously. His eyes were full of pain as he stared at me. “I can’t handle seeing you cry…” he whispered and in that moment I knew he needed me.

I don’t know why I did it but I ran straight into his arms. I held onto him tightly and whispered “I’m sorry” over and over like it was a mantra. I could feel him tense up under my touch but eventually he relaxed and wrapped his strong arms around me. It didn’t last long before he was softly pushing me away, he gently kissed me on the head before letting go completely.

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