Chapter 15

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Tiana P.O.V
While at school I couldn't help but think about my son. I just wish he were here with me but I guess heaven is better for him. The bell rung signaling that school was officially out and I was free.

"We free baby!" Maya said hugging me. I didn't feel like talking so I just gave her a weak smile.

"Tete, what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing I just need to get home." I said walking to Simmy's car.

"Tete it's not nothing please tell me." She said grabbing my hand once we got in the car.

"Okay." I said sighing "I told Tremaine about Lil Simmy and I've been thinking about him all day." I said starting the car.

"Oh my gosh I remember that. Everybody talked about you called you out of your name everyday laughed at you but I figured you didn't just go out and fuck somebody." she said still holding my hand.

"You were so nice to me then. You and Candy were the only people that would talk to me." I said pulling into out garage. Getting out I opened the garage door.

"Oh hey they here Tremaine." Simmy yelled walking towards us. "Come in the living room, we all need to talk." he said while pulling us. Tremaine came from the backyard and sat down next to me. Grabbing my hand he kissed my knuckles.

"Alright I know a very touchy subject has come up last night. I want to everyone to speak their minds on it so that way we can live happier. Tremaine you go first." Simmy said sitting down.

"I really can't say much about it but I respect you both more for going through your struggle. The dream I had only made it more vivid for me. I'm real sorry for y'all loss." He said squeezing my hand.

"Baby why don't you go next." Simmy said kissing her cheek.

"When Tete started showing people started making fun of her, people called her whore, bitch, slut shit like that. I knew that wasn't who she was. I just decided to talk to her and see how she was doing and it turned out to be a great friendship. Of course her story inspired me and when Lil Simmy died my heart broke even though we were only friends for such a short period of time I still loved that child like an aunt would. I'm happy to have you as a friend Tete." She said wiping tears.

"I wanna go after you Simmy." I whispered.

"Man my nephew. He was my heart. He meant everything to me because Tete meant everything to me. When he died it hurt me bad. I was ready to help through it all. I held her hair when she got sick and I got her chocolate ice cream and pickles when she asked. I was gonna be the best damn uncle there was, I was gonna help him become a man Tete would be proud of help change diapers, get up at 3 am knowing it was just to give him attention, but Lil Simmy didn't make it. I still think about him everyday and I can't help but wonder what my life would be like now." he said wiping tears too.

"Of course I was scared to be a mommy. Under the circumstances I didn't even think it was possible for me to get pregnant. I thought I was too young and not ready. But I was wrong at age 14 I ended up pregnant. Going to school got harder and harder because of the names I would be called and the looks everyone gave me. Then one day this girl came up to me and said her name was Maya. She told me she wanted to hear my story and she didn't judge me. She loved me like a sister and I'm very grateful for her. Of course at home I had great support. The best brother in the world to hug me when I cried, held my hair back and got me crazy foods. He was there and helpful through my short time of being pregnant. Even during labor he was there helping me through the pains and the mourning. Lil Simmy was my life. He meant the world to me he still does. It's not a second that goes by where I don't see his little face and feel him still in my hand. I still feel as though I were pregnant with him. My son is my everything dead or alive he is my life and I love him more than anyone could imagine." I said crying.

It's hard to talk about him but I've gotten it all off my mind. My son is still my everything always has been always will be. Tremaine pulled me to his chest as I cried and Simmy pulled Maya to his. Falling asleep I had a dream I saw my baby he was as handsome as ever. He looked just like his uncle. Looking at him I couldn't hear his voice but I read his lips. He said I love you mama, tell uncle Simmy I love him too. Afterwards he flew away. Waking up I saw Tremaine staring at me.

"How long have I been sleep?" I asked sitting up.

"I think we all been sleep for a couple of hours. I woke up because I heard you mumbling." He said looking in my eyes.

"Had a dream about my son. He told me he loved me and Simmy. My son loves me." I said smiling. It made me happy to know he loved us even though he couldn't make it here. Looking over and Simmy and Maya they were still sleep.

"Hey let's go upstairs babe." I said standing up. Tremaine stood up with me and we walked to my room. Walking in I cut my lamp on and laid on my bed.

"Tete." I heard Tremaine say.

"Yes?" I said looking at him.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." he said looking me in my eyes. "I know we haven't been together long and we haven't known each other long but you've impacted my life so much." He said. I don't know what to say. I actually felt the exact same way.

"Tiana say something." he said.

"Tremaine I honestly feel the same way. You're such a nice guy. You've accepted me for my past. I can honestly say I think I'm falling for you too." I said kissing his lips. He kissed me again and again until it turned more passionate. Suddenly his body was hovering over me. Moaning in his mouth I pulled his shirt over his head. Suddenly my door busted open and Simmy walked in.

"HELL NAW! Leave this bitch open." He yelled.

"I swear I'm taking my senses outta you." I mumbled. Walking out he smiled and Tremaine laughed. Then there was a loud knock on the door.

"AHHHH TREMAINE!" I heard Maya screamed. He hoped up put his shirt back on and rushed downstairs with me right behind him. Looking at the door I saw Kayla bloody faced.

"Kay-Kay what happened?" Tremaine asked picking her up.

"Put her on the couch." Simmy said.

"I was walking home and out of nowhere these girls jumped me." She said.

"Who was they Kay-Kay?" He asked holding her hand. She was starting to pass out. "Kay-Kay tell me who it was." He said holding her hand tighter.

"Alicia." we heard her say before she passed out.


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