Chapter 29

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Candy P.O.V
2 weeks later
I'd been waiting on this day since my senior year started. Bitch I'm graduating today. Me and my besties finally made it.

"Maya, Tete I wanna tell y'all I'm proud of y'all. WE MADE IT BITCHES!" I screamed pulling them into a group hug.

"Stop being sentimental. You gon make my pregnant ass cry." Maya said hugging me.

"Bitch me too we spent to much time on this makeup." Tete joked.

"Alright ladies. We will all be cheering for you." Simmy said giving us hugs and Maya a kiss on the lips.

"Good luck ladies." Tremaine said kissing Tiana.

"Just know that I'll be cheering the loudest." Kayla gloated.

"I'm proud of y'all." Cameron said hugging us all.

"OKAY ALL GRADUATES TO THEIR SEATS." The principal yelled.

2 Hours Later

"Candice Renee Jackson." Mrs. Gayle announced. As I was walking I heard various comments such as "Go Candy!", "That's my cousin." I grabbed my diploma from the Mr. Knowton shook his hand and walked back to my seat.

Tiana P.O.V
Two more students after I knew my name was about to be called.

"Tiana Michelle James." Said Mrs. Gayle. Walking across I heard a loud group of people. Some screamed. "Go Tete." Or "Thats my sister." Only one stuck out to me though.

"I LOVE YOU BABY!" Yelled Tremaine. Smiling I walked grabbed my diploma shook his hand and left.

Maya P.O.V
After Candy and Tete walked across stage I had a waiting gap. I was super nervous because I'm 4 months pregnant and surely showing.

"Maya Camille Wright." She announced. My baby started kicking but I couldn't help smiling when I held my stomach and walked across stage. My family cheering made me feel special and I felt the need to cry. Letting a few tears out I grabbed my diploma and shook Knowton's hand before walking back to my seat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I now present to you the 2015 graduates of Middle East High School. Graduates you may now turn your tassels." Everyone did as she said while getting a round of applause. People we're screaming and throwing caps in the air. This was an amazing day.

A Month Later

Simmy P.O.V
Today is the big day Maya and I find out the what the sex of out baby is. I can't wait until they tell us it's a girl.

"Maya Wright." The nurse announced. I stood and helped her stand because she couldn't do it by herself.

"Dr. Waters will be in with you both shortly. Pants off please. Shirt up as well." She ordered politely. "Are you hoping for a girl or boy?"

"He wants a princess. I want a prince." Maya said.

"I know I have a Princess." I bragged.

"Don't be mad when you're catering to my every whim baby." Maya joked. Like I don't already.

"Hello I'm Dr. Waters. How are you today Maya?" She said.

"Very happy to find out the sex." She smiled.

"You're so beautiful." I mumbled.

"Thank you baby." She said kissing me.

"Alright let's get this gel on your tummy. You're quite big to just be five months." She said squirting the gel on her stomach. Soon she put the wand on her stomach and our baby appeared on screen.

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