Chapter 27

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Maya P.O.V
Simmy and I had been up since 7 this morning. Fucking morning sickness is gonna be the death of me. At the moment I was looking at my body in the mirror. Being 3 months pregnant I was starting to show by the looks of it you would have thought I was more than 3 months.

"You look beautiful." Simmy said behind me.

"I'm getting fat! Look at my stomach." I said pouting.

"You're not getting fat. Our daughter is growing." He swear I'm having a girl when I'm having a boy!

"My son is making my fat." I said rubbing cocoa butter on my stomach. "Shouldn't we be going to set this stuff up for Tete's party?"

"Yeah. Tremaine is gonna keep her busy for a while before y'all glo up, but I have to come back here at 10." He said confusing me.

"Why at 10?" I asked.

"She was born at 10 o'clock on the dot." It shocked me because I never knew that.

"Okay we can come and bring her presents. But let's go to this hotel and see how it's looking." I said slipping on some sweats and nike slides. Incidentally Simmy and I matched it was cute but weird how we did that.

At the hotel

"Everything is coming together baby." I said looking at the beautiful room. Tiana would fall in love as soon as she saw how we had it decorated.

"Tiana is gonna die when she sees this room." He said. I had big ass pictures of Tiana hanging from the ceiling, the lights was purple, and the tables were purple and zebra print and there was a stage for the celebrities I had performing. Checking my phone I saw it was close to 10.

"Yo babe we gotta go it's almost 10. Got her first set of gifts?" I asked.

"Yeah they in the car." He replied before we walked out. We got Tiana so many gifts it's a damn shame but the gifts she getting at her party are the best.

Tremaine P.O.V
"Tremaine Jackson we are gonna be the death of Maya and Simmy." She called from downstairs. She must think they left because I gave her some good dick. Turning my shower water off I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to the room we share. As I was getting dressed I heard Tiana getting in the shower. Today I'm supposed to take her shopping then I'm supposed to drop her off to get her nails and hair done with Maya, Candy and Kayla. Me Simmy and Cameron are supposed to keep setting shit up and make sure her big surprise gift is set up. After getting dressed I went to Tiana closet and pick her out something that would match my outfit. I had on a black shirt, camo joggers and my all black vans. For her I picked out a black half shirt that said "bad bitch", camo leggings and the same black vans.

"Your forgot these." She said holding up a black thong.

"Shit I'm just gon take them off later." I said grabbing her waist.

"Boy let me get dressed." She said trying to wiggle her way out my arms.

"I like you naked. Gimme a kiss baby." I said puckering my lips. She got on her tip toes and pressed her lips against mine. I tried to deepen the kiss but she stopped me.

"Nope. If you do that we gon end up doing a lot more." She said pushing me away. I was gonna say something smart back but she dropped her towel and my voice got caught in my throat.

"Nigga I feel you staring at me." She said getting my attention. Before I knew it she had her thong and matching bra on. She was about to pick out something for her to wear but I stopped her.

"We matching today. Niggas gon know you mine." I said grabbing her waist. I can never get tired of holding her.

"Shit I forgot that quick. Let me go so I can put my clothes on." She mumbled holding me.

"I don't want to. I love holding you." I saw holding on tighter.

"I love being held. But I am half naked." She giggled. I let her go so she could get dressed but as soon as she do my hands going back around her waist. She put her clothes on and automatically my hands were back in their place.

"I love you." I murmured against her lips before kissing them.

"I love you too."

"Always?" I asked.

"Always." She said before kissing me.

"TIANA!" Maya yelled from downstairs. We soon heard coming upstairs I let her because Maya was gon jump on her.

"WIFEY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She yelled hugging her tightly. Simmy soon came up with all the gifts they got her. He dropped the bags when Maya let her go and he picked her up.

"LAWD MY BABY SISTER 18. WHERE DID THE TIME GO JESUS!" He sat her on her feet and kissed her forehead "Happy birthday."

"Thank you loves." She said blushing.

"Okay my gifts go first." Maya said grabbing the 5 gifts she got Tete.

"Okay let's see what I got here. I have these badass Louboutins, this badass Chanel backpack, some more badass Louboutins, this badass Gucci bag and handcuffs?" She said confused.

"Bitch for the dick you getting later." She whispered. Simmy ain't hear her but I did and I laughed my ass off.

"Simmy you next B." I said.

"Alright here are my gifts." He said grabbing 5 other bags. Shit she so spoiled.

"Big brother got me, a Diamond Rolex, a tiara that says Tiana, a gorgeous ass diamond necklace, a new laptop and the iPhone 6." She screamed happily.

"Already activated and everything is there." He assured her.

"BITCH YAS! Babe take some pics for the gram with me." She said handing her phone to Simmy. I had my hands around her waist for one, I picked her up and kissed her in another, and the last I had my hands on her ass and she had her arms around my neck we was kissing in that one too. She posted and the caption said "Don't let this go to your head but you're the best I've ever had "

"Thank you baby." I said gripping her ass tightly. "But bring ya ass we going shopping."

"Shopping for what?" She asked.

"Don't ask just bring ya ass. No limits babe." I replied biting my lip. I wanted to fuck her so bad. When we was driving I noticed she kept looking at me.

"What's up baby?" I asked.

"What do y'all have planned." She asked.

"Patience young grasshopper. I got some gifts for you, you'll get them later." I smirked putting my hand in her center rubbing through her leggings.

"Tremaine stop." She moaned

"I need you babe." I murmured kissing her and rubbing her more.

"Pull over." She moaned I whipped into an abandoned building's parking lot and drove around back. Turning my car off I kissed her hard. Scooting to the back I pulled my pants and boxers down letting my dick spring free. She pulled her legging and panties off and climbed on top me and she went to work. Can't get tired of loving my baby.

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