Chapter 1

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Tiana P.O.V.
As my alarm sounded I sat up and stretched my arms. Looking around my room I got out my bed and went to my bathroom. As I was walking to bathroom I saw my brother walking towards the stairs.

"Good morning sis." He said as he continued to walk.

"Good morning brother." I yelled to him. Simmy was my only brother and he was 5 years older than me. I lived with him because our parents were murdered not so long ago. He was my best friend and he got me whatever I wanted.

"Simmy!! Can you make me breakfast?" I yelled down the stairs.

"No! Do it yourself!" He yelled back

"Whatever bitch better have my food!"
After that he just laughed and I heard some pots rattling. See I'm spoiled.
After doing my daily hygiene routine I walked out my bathroom and smelled the food my brother was cooking.
I sat at the table next to my brother.

"Thanks bubba. " I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Yeah yeah whatever brat." he said rolling his eyes.

"You made me this way." I said looking at the food he made me. Made me pancakes, grits, bacon and eggs my favorite.

"Yo bro can I borrow the Benz today?" I asked him chewing my bacon.

"What you need my car for Tete?" He asked.

"Boy I'm seventeen and I ain't got no car to drive myself to school. However you have 3 one of which you hardly drive ever. C'mon let me drive it. Please." I said with my irresistible pouty face.

"Man whatever don't fuck my shit up." He said with a smile.

"Thanks bubba." I said getting up and washing our dishes. When I was done washing them I grabbed his car keys said goodbye and left. When I got in the car my phone rang telling me I was getting a call. I picked up not checking the caller ID.

"Hello." I answered

"Hey baby. What you doin?" A familiar voice asked

"Oh hey babe. I'm not doing nothing just driving to school. What's up?"

"Not shit. You know we been together a year now right?" He asked.

"Yes Marcus. I know." I said slightly annoyed.

"So I'm just tryna see if I'ma get some or not."

This nigga I swear. Me and Marcus met in November last year our junior year of high school. He came up and asked me out on a date. At first I said no cause I know what these niggas down here want. But he broke me down after a while and we had a connection and we soon started dating by January. No we were not having sex. I'm waiting until I'm good and damn ready.

"No nigga. Shit I don't know how many times I gotta tell you I'm not ready." I snapped

"Man damn c'mon. I have needs man. Shit soon enough I'm gon get it from somebody else." he mumbled.

"Nigga whatever. Be at my house when I get out of school aiight." and without hearing his reply I hung up. I parked the car and got out walking into school. As I was walking down the hallways niggas was staring as usual and bitches was rolling they eyes as usual. I walked to my locker and was greeted by my best friends.

"What's good y'all." I asked

"Girl not shit." Candice said

"You know how it is." Maya said

"Niggas watching and bitches mad cause they niggas staring."
we all said together.

"It's all the same. But what's going on this weekend?" I asked

"Bitch my cousin Tremaine Jackson having a 19th birthday party and everybody is gon be there." Candy said.

"We going?" Maya asked.

"Hell to the yeah. I need to go to a party shit Marcus don't know how to act right now."

"Aiight lets go shopping tomorrow. See y'all later." And with that we went to class. Soon the day was over and I drove my ass home. When I pulled in my drive way I saw Marcus sitting on the porch waiting for me.

"Hey bae." I said giving him a kiss and opening the door.

"Simmy where you at?" I yelled sitting the keys down.

"Right here Tete. What's up Marcus?" Simmy said giving him dap

"What's good bruh." Marcus said returning the dap.

"C'mon we going to my room." I said pulling Marcus.

"Leave that door open" Simmy yelled up the stairs.

I was about to say okay when Marcus pulled me into my room and pushed the door closed.

"What the fuck is you doing? Open the damn door." I whispered.

He didn't say shit but all of a sudden he pushed my on my bed and started kissing me. I was kissing him back until I felt him unbutton my pants.

"Yo stop that." I said trying to get his hands off my pants. He grabbed my hands and kept trying to pull my pants down.

"Marcus I said stop." I said louder but he just kept trying.

"Shut up. This here belong to me and I'm gonna get it whenever I want it bitch." He yelled at me.

"SIMMY!" I yelled and Marcus smacked me.

"Bitch shut that shit up. Yo bitch ass brother ain't gon hear you." He said.

But he was wrong her and Simmy was so close the sensed when each other was in danger.

"Now let me get what I want and be out." he said. He soon got my pants and panties off. As soon as he unzipped his pants Simmy broke my door down and held his 9mm gun at Marcus head.

Tiana in the MM

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