Chapter 9

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Tremaine P.O.V.
Looking at my phone I decided to call my cousin Candy. It's been a while since I last talked to her and she is my only cousin. It rang twice before she picked up.

"Tremaine what's up cuz?" She answered.

"Man nothing yo ass been a ghost here lately cuz what's going on?" I asked

"I can't really tell you, but you'll find out soon." She whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Are you okay?" I asked curious.

"Okay grandma. I love you too bye." She said hanging up. Bruh what the fuck was that all about.

Candy P.O.V.
"Okay grandma. I love you too bye." I said hanging up on Tremaine.

"Amari Who was you on the phone with?" He yelled trying to scare me.

"My grandmother. Fucking obviously." I lied.

"Are you lyin to me?" He asked looking in my eyes.

"No I'm not lying Marcus." I said walking away.

Yeah I was working with Marcus. But before you think I'm a snake let me explain. I saw him at Tremaine's party and he was watching Simmy and Tiana hard as hell. He was planning something and I knew it. The same night of Tremaine's party I followed him to his lil wannabe trap house.

Two Days Ago

"Yo who the fuck are you?" He asked pulling a gun out of his pants.

"Well if you shoot me you won't find out now will you." I asked with my hands on my hips.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked slightly lowering his gun.

"I'm Amari and I want revenge from somebody you got beef with." I said

"Somebody I got beef with?" He asked lowering his gun.

"Yeah. That bitch Tiana and her brother." I said crossing my arms.

"Well come in ma." He said. As I walked behind him I couldn't help but think of how fucking dumb this nigga was. If he was smart he'd know me and Tiana were matching and came to the party together.

"So what did Simmy and Tiana do to you?" He asked sitting at what I assume was a desk.

"Tiana and Simmy wouldn't own up to the fact that I was pregnant with his baby so I had to get an abortion." I lied crying fake tears.

"Damn ma. I'm sorry to hear that." He said patting my shoulder.

"It's fine it's in the past. What did they do to you?" I asked changing the subject.

"See Tiana was my girl and I was tryna get some for our one year anniversary. She wasn't tryna give it to me so I tried to take it. Then she screamed for her brother, and he came in the room and tried to kill me." He said balling his fist up.

"Why did you throw away a good relationship for sex?" I asked curious.

"Shit I was just tryna hit honestly. Virgins got it best baby. I could get a prettier skinnier bitch in a second but odds are they gon be loose and nasty." He got some balls. Swear I just wanna slit his throat.

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