Chapter 26

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Tiana P.O.V
Ever since Tremaine and I started having sex I've been in my feelings more and more. I really want to tell him that I'm I love with him but I'm scared. Looking at his sleeping form my heart skipped a beat.

"Tiana Michelle James just tell him you love him. It's not that hard. Just say Tremaine, I love you." I murmured closing my eyes. Opening them back I saw Tremaine looking dead into them. I wonder how much of that he heard I thought.

"I heard it all." He said confirming my worst fear. Staring at him with wide eyes I was speechless. "So you love me?"

"More than I thought I ever could." I managed to whisper.

"Why were you scared to tell me?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Because I didn't know if you felt the same way. I wouldn't want to love someone that doesn't love me back." I said.

"Say it again." He said confusing me.

"Say what?"

"Tell me you love me again." He said pulling me on top of him.

"Tremaine Markel Jackson I love you. So so much." I said kissing his lips.

"I love you too Tiana Michelle James. So so much." He said kissing me back. "I'll always love you."

"Always?" I asked looking him in his eyes.

"Always." He said smiling. "Tiana do you know what today is?"

"No I don't." I said confused once again.

"Happy Birthday love." He said kissing my neck. Looking at the clock it read 12 am, shit today was my birthday. I completely forgot.

"You remembered?" I asked happy.

"Of course I did. Now let's get some sleep. I've got the perfect birthday planned for you." He said tightening his hold on me.

"Good night babe. I love you." I said shutting my eyes.

"I love you too." He said kissing my forehead.

"Always?" I asked.

"Always." He said.

Later That Morning
I felt somebody giving soft kisses to my face. It was irritating the fuck out of me.

"Get up babe." He said

"Stop." I said pushing him off me. He stopped kissing me but right when I was about to go back to sleep he got on top of me.

"Tiana we can do this the easy was or the hard way." He said kissing my neck. I ignored him trying to fall back asleep. "Okay then."

I was close to falling asleep but I felt Tremaine's hand slide into my panties. He started rubbing me sending chills through my body.

"Tremaine. Stop." I moaned grinding my hips to meet his hand. While thrusting his fingers inside me he was taking my shorts and panties off. Suddenly his hand was replaced with his tongue.

"OH MY GOD TREMAINE!!" I moaned not caring who heard. Putting my hand in his curly hair I pushed his head down deeper. After a few minutes my body started shaking out of control. Screaming out I found my sweet release. Grabbing a condom off my bedside tables handed it to Tremaine.

"Turn over." He commanded. I didn't ask why instead I just did it. He pulled my ass into the air and smacked it. It hurt but it was such a good sensation. He put the tip in and pulled it back out. He kept doing it and it was really irritating.

"You want this dick baby?" He asked. I could tell he was smiling. I nodded my head frantically. Suddenly he slammed into me sending a shock of pleasure through my whole body.

"Mmmm it feels so good." I moaned as he kept slamming into me. With each thrust my moans turned into screams.

"You like this dick baby?" He asked. I nodded my head unable to speak. My legs started shaking and I was screaming louder and louder.

"You're gonna make me cum." I whimpered.

"Cum for daddy." He said sending me into a wonderful orgasm. I felt Tremaine's warm seed fill the condom when he collapsed on me. We were both panting trying to catch our breath.

"This is what happens when you don't wake up when I say so." He said standing up.

"Boy you not my daddy!" I said sitting up.

"See for that I just may have to punish you." He said slipping on some boxers. I put my shorts back on and went downstairs looking for Simmy and Maya. There was a note on the refrigerator that read: Be back at 10:30. I figured it was because that bomb ass sex I got this morning.

"Tremaine Jackson we are gonna be the death of Simmy and Maya." I yelled. He didn't reply so I assumed he was in the shower. Going back up stairs I found out my assumption was right. As I waited for him to get out I wondered what things he had planned for later.


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