Chapter 7

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Simmy P.O.V.
15 minutes after Tete left my phone vibrated telling me I had a text.

Sissy ❤️:
You may need to come to Maya house. She having some problems.

What's the address

Sissy ❤️:
1918 Flora Ave.

5 minutes.

Hopping up I grabbed the keys to my Esaclade and rode out. When I was two mintues away I got a call from Tete.

"What's up?" I asked

"Simmy can you come to Maya's house please?" She asked with anger pure in her voice.

"Is somebody there that don't need to be there?" I asked checking my gun in the glove compartment.

"No her punk ass step dad got an attitude with me." She said.

"Shit I'm two mintues away sis just chill." I said picking my speed up.

"Two minutes?" She said

"Actually more like 20 seconds" I said shutting my door

"Okay. Bye." I heard her say before hanging up. Walking up to the front door I walked right in because it was unlocked.

"Eric I'm gon give you a chance to say sorry to me and Maya." Tete said

"Oh and what's gonna happen if I don't?" I heard some nigga say. This must be Eric. Tete and I locked eyes.

"You got 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." She said signaling me to come in.

"Is there a problem here bruh? I asked scaring dude.

"Who the hell are you? And how did you get into my house?" He yelled.

"Who am I? That doesn't matter to you. How did I get into your house. Well that's something you'll have to take up with a locksmith." I said walking towards the girls.

"Eric care to tell him what you did to Maya before I got here." Tete said with her arms crossed. Silence. "Oh so you wanna be quiet now huh? Seems like you had a lot to say to me and her." Tete said raising her eyebrow. " Well since Numb Nuts here don't wanna say shit I'll tell you. They kicking her out and he tried to hit her. Then he had all the nerve to try and kick me out too." Tete said.

"So you tried to hit my girl, and you disrespected my sister?" I asked making sure I heard right. Walking up to Eric I looked him up and down. "I'm waiting for you to say sorry bruh." I said looking down on him. Punk ass was shorter than me by 6 inches.

"I don't have to say sorry for shit. Now you and these girls get out my house." he said.

I grabbed my gun from my waist band and pointed it to his head. Swear this nigga pissed his pants.

"I'm gon give you 3 seconds." I yelled.

"No please don't." He said shaking.

"3, 2, 1." I yelled but before I could fully get the one out surrendered.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'm sorry. Tiana I'm sorry. Maya I'm sorry!" He cried out.

"Maya is all your stuff packed?" I asked with my gun still to his head.

"Yeah." She said simply.

"Aiight grab it and let's go." I said. They grabbed the stuff and walked past me. As Tiana was walking by she kissed my cheek.

"Thanks bubba." She said walking out. I took my gun off his forehead and walked out of the house.

"Maya come here you riding with me." I said opening the passenger side door. After she got in I shut the door. Tete drove off as I started the Escalade up. Pulling into the garage. I turned the Escalade off and looked at Maya. She looked back at me and just suddenly kissed me. She straddled my lap and just kept kissing me.

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